Monitor an OpenIO SDS cluster


This document will help you to configure a monitoring stack for your OpenIO cluster.

We use Netdata for local system monitoring, OpenIO processes and OpenIO basic log analysis and Diamond for OpenIO services informations. It will be totally replaced by Netdata is the next releases. Netdata collect metrics and allows you to see, for each node, the last data of your node during the last hour with high precision (1 second).

Netdata will be configured to send metrics to InfluxDB which collects all metrics from all nodes, and a Grafana dashboard will allow you to see your cluster global metrics.

This document will help you setup your admin server and all nodes accordingly.



We use InfluxDB to store the OpenIO cluster metrics. Netdata and Diamond are configured to send metrics every 10 seconds, we recommend that the node hosting this service should have at 8GB of RAM and 4 CPU cores with 120GB of SSD available for a small setup. Please refer to InfluxDB hardware sizing for more informations.


Depending on the distribution you are using, install InfluxDB from the official repository.


Netdata and Diamond will send metrics through InfluxDB input plugin. A template will convert Graphite style strings to InfluxDB tags.

In the InfluxDB configuration file /etc/influxdb/influxdb.conf, your [[graphite]] block should have this informations:

  enabled = true
  database = "graphite"
  separator = "_"
  templates = [
    "servers.*.cpu.* .host.measurement.cpu.measurement* resource=cpu",
    "servers.*.diskspace.* .host.measurement.label.measurement* resource=diskspace",
    "servers.*.iostat.* .host.measurement.device.measurement* resource=iostat",
    "servers.*.network.* .host.measurement.device.measurement* resource=network",
    "servers.*.loadavg.* .host.measurement* resource=loadavg",
    "servers.*.memory.* .host.measurement* resource=memory",
    "servers.*.vmstat.* .host.measurement* resource=vmstat",
    "servers.*.netstat.* .host.measurement* resource=netstat",
    "servers.*.tcp.* .host.measurement* resource=tcp",
    "servers.*.openio.*.*.*.*.byte_percentfree .host.measurement.namespace.service_type.service_id.blk_uuid.measurement*",
    "servers.*.openio.*.*.*.*.byte_avail .host.measurement.namespace.service_type.service_id.blk_uuid.measurement*",
    "servers.*.openio.*.*.*.*.byte_free .host.measurement.namespace.service_type.service_id.blk_uuid.measurement*",
    "servers.*.openio.*.*.*.*.byte_used .host.measurement.namespace.service_type.service_id.blk_uuid.measurement*",
    "servers.*.openio.*.beanstalkd.*.* .host.measurement.namespace.measurement.service_id.measurement*",
    "servers.*.openio.*.zookeeper.*.* .host.measurement.namespace.measurement.service_id.measurement*",
    "servers.*.openio.*.redis.*.* .host.measurement.namespace.measurement.service_id.measurement*",
    "servers.*.openio.*.*.*.*.*.* .host.measurement.namespace.service_type.service_id.measurement.measurement.type",
    "servers.*.openio.*.*.*.*.* .host.measurement.namespace.service_type.service_id.measurement*",
    "servers.*.openio.*.*.*.* .host.measurement.namespace.service_type.service_id.measurement*",
    "netdata.*.system.ctxt.* .host..measurement.measurement",
    "netdata.*.system.cpu.* .host..measurement.mode cpu=system",
    "netdata.*.system.forks.started .host..measurement.type",
    "netdata.** .host.disk.measurement.operation measurement=disk",
    "netdata.*.system.processes.* .host..measurement.type",
    "netdata.*.system.ram.* .host..measurement.type",
    "netdata.*.system.load.* .host..measurement.avg",
    "netdata.*.system.uptime.uptime .host...measurement",
    "netdata.*.cpu.*.* .host.measurement.cpu.mode",
    "netdata.*.disk.*.* .host.measurement.disk.operation",
    "netdata.*.disk_backlog.*.* .host.measurement.disk.operation",
    "netdata.*.disk_util.*.* .host.measurement.disk.",
    "netdata.*.disk_inodes.*.* .host.measurement.mountpoint.type",
    "netdata.*.disk_ops.*.* .host.measurement.disk.operation",
    "netdata.*.disk_space.*.* .host.measurement.mountpoint.type",
    "netdata.*.mem.*.* .host.measurement.measurement.type",
    "netdata.*.net.*.* .host.measurement.iface.type",
    "netdata.*.net_drops.*.* .host.measurement.iface.type",
    "netdata.*.net_packets.*.* .host.measurement.iface.type",
    "netdata.*.ipv4.errors.* .host.measurement.measurement.type",
    "netdata.*.ipv4.tcpsock.* .host.measurement.measurement.type",
    "netdata.*.ipv4.tcppackets.* .host.measurement.measurement.type",
    "netdata.*.ipv4.tcperrors.* .host.measurement.measurement.type",
    "netdata.*.ipv4.tcphandshake.* .host.measurement.measurement.type",
    "netdata.*.ipv4.udppackets.* .host.measurement.measurement.type",
    "netdata.*.ipv4.packets.* .host.measurement.measurement.type",
    "netdata.*.apps.cpu.openio.* .host...measurement.servicetype resource=cpu,mode=used",
    "netdata.*.apps.cpu_system.openio.* .host...measurement.servicetype resource=cpu,mode=system",
    "netdata.*.apps.cpu_user.openio.* .host...measurement.servicetype resource=cpu,mode=user",
    "netdata.*.apps.preads.openio.* .host...measurement.servicetype resource=disk,type=read",
    "netdata.*.apps.pwrites.openio.* .host...measurement.servicetype resource=disk,type=write",
    "netdata.*.apps.files.openio.* .host...measurement.servicetype resource=files",
    "netdata.*.apps.mem.openio.* .host...measurement.servicetype resource=mem",
    "netdata.*.apps.vmem.openio.* .host...measurement.servicetype resource=vmem",
    "netdata.*.apps.processes.openio.* .host...measurement.servicetype resource=processes",
    "netdata.*.apps.threads.openio.* .host...measurement.servicetype resource=threads",
    "netdata.*.apps.pipes.openio.* .host...measurement.servicetype resource=pipes",
    "netdata.*.apps.sockets.openio.* .host...measurement.servicetype resource=sockets",
    "netdata.*.web_log_.openio.*.*.*.log.* .host..measurement.namespace.servicetype.serviceid.measurement..measurement.type",

You can now start and enable InfluxDB:

# systemctl enable influxdb
# systemctl start influxdb


We recommend you to setup at least an authentication to your InfluxDB and/or to make the service listen only on a private IP. Let’s create a root user to access to the HTTP API of InfluxDB. Connect to InfluxDB through the command line as follows:

# influx -execute "CREATE USER admin WITH PASSWORD '<password>' WITH ALL PRIVILEGES"

Then in your /etc/influxdb/influxdb.conf configuration file, in the [http] block, enable authentication:

auth-enabled = true

And restart InfluxDB:

# systemctl restart influxdb

For more informations, please refer to the InfluxDB documentation.



Same goes for Grafana, available from the Grafana download page.


Start Grafana and follow the install guide from the Web interface:

# systemctl enable grafana-server
# systemctl start grafana-server

Using your Web browser, connect to the admin node and configure an InfluxDB Data Source.

Name it InfluxDB to match the dashboard name we provide, here are the other informations:

Name: InfluxDB
Type: InfluxDB

Http settings
Url: http://localhost:8086/
Access: proxy

Http Auth
Basic Auth: True

InfluxDB Details
Database: graphite
User: admin
Password: <password>

Default group by time: >10s

Then press Save & Test and your Data Source is configured.


We provide an OpenIO dashboard to monitor your cluster. To import it, in Dashbords, press Import.

Copy/paste the content of the OpenIO dashboard in the corresponding field and press Import.

For the Grafana templating to work, click on the wheel on the top of the page (alt informations is Manage dashboard) then press Templating. On each host and namespace line, press Edit and in the bottom of the page, press Update. This part will update the templating informations allowing you to select only one or more host and or namespace to show.

You will need to redo this part after configuring your nodes.




Netdata package is available in OpenIO repository, depending on the distribution you use, install the package on each node by using:

# yum install netdata
# apt-get install netdata


In /etc/netdata/netdata.conf, configure your InfluxDB server. At the end of the file, add thos block and be sure to replace INFLUXDB_IPADDR by your admin node IP address:

  enabled = yes
  type = graphite
  destination = INFLUXDB_IPADDR
  data source = average
  # prefix = netdata
  # hostname = HOSTNAME
  update every = 10
  buffer on failures = 10
  timeout ms = 20000

On top of the /etc/netdata/apps_groups.conf file, add the following lines:

openio.account: oio-account-ser
openio.beanstalkd: *beanstalkd-*
openio.conscienceagent: *conscienceagent-*
openio.conscience: *conscience-*
openio.ecd: *ecd-*
openio.meta0: oio-meta0-serve
openio.meta1: oio-meta1-serve
openio.meta2: oio-meta2-serve
openio.blob-indexer: oio-blob-indexe
openio.event-agent: oio-event-agent
openio.oio-proxy: oio-proxy
openio.rawx: *rawx-*
openio.rdir: oio-rdir-server
openio.redis: *redis-*
openio.redissentinel: *redissentinel-*
openio.zookeeper: *zookeeper-*

In the /etc/netdata/python.d.conf file, be sure the web_log plugin is enabled:

web_log: yes

For each OpenIO RAW-X service configured on your server, add the following lines to the /etc/netdata/python.d/web_log.conf, replacing the <NAMESPACE> and <ID>:

  name: '.openio.<NAMESPACE>.rawx.rawx-<ID>.log.access'
  path: '/var/log/oio/sds/<NAMESPACE>/rawx-<ID>/rawx-<ID>-httpd-access.log'
    pattern: '\S+ \S+ \S+ \S+ \S+ \d+ \d+ \S+ \S+ (?P<address>\S+) \S+ (?P<method>\S+) (?P<code>\d+) (?P<resp_time>\d+) (?P<bytes_sent>\d+) \S+ \S+ (?P<url>.*)'

For each OpenIO directory service configured on your server, add the following lines to the /etc/netdata/python.d/web_log.conf, replacing the <NAMESPACE>, <SERVICETYPE> (one of meta0, meta1 or meta2) and the service <ID>:

  name: '.openio.<NAMESPACE>.<SERVICETYPE>.<SERVICETYPE>-<ID>.log.access'
  path: '/var/log/oio/sds/<NAMESPACE>/<SERVICETYPE>-<ID>/<SERVICETYPE>-<ID>.access'
    pattern: '\S+ \S+ \S+ \S+  \S+ \S+ \S+ \S+ (?P<address>\S+) \S+ (?P<method>\S+) (?P<code>\d+) (?P<resp_time>\d+) (?P<bytes_sent>\d+) \S+ \S+ \S+ (?P<url>.*)'

Then enable and restart Netdata:

# systemctl enable netdata
# systemctl restart netdata





handlers = diamond.handler.graphite.GraphiteHandler
user = root
group = root
pid_file = /run/
collectors_path = /usr/share/diamond/collectors/
collectors_config_path = /etc/diamond/collectors
handlers_config_path = /etc/diamond/handlers
handlers_path = /usr/share/diamond/handlers/
metric_queue_size = 65536

keys = rotated_file




args=('/var/log/diamond/diamond.log', 'midnight', 1, 7)

format=[%(asctime)s] [%(threadName)s] %(message)s

Configure Diamond to send metrics to your admin node. Replace <ADMIN_ADDR> by the IP address of your admin node:


enabled = true
port = 2003
timeout = 10
batch = 1000

Configure the following files, replace and by your namespace name and the IP address of you node:


enabled = true
instances = <NAMESPACE>:<IPADDR>:6014


enabled = true
instances = <NAMESPACE>:<IPADDR>:6011


enabled = true
namespaces = <NAMESPACE>
fs-types =


enabled = true
instances = <NAMESPACE>:<IPADDR>:6005

Diamond is now configured, enable and restart it:

# systemctl enable diamond
# systemctl start diamond


Your monitoring is now available. Your global OpenIO dashboard is available connecting to http://<ADMIN_IPADDR>/dashboard/db/OpenIO using the credentials you set earlier.