Source code for oio.rebuilder.blob_improver

# Copyright (C) 2018-2019 OpenIO SAS, as part of OpenIO SDS
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

from datetime import datetime

from oio.common import exceptions
from oio.common.easy_value import int_value
from oio.common.fullpath import encode_fullpath
from import sleep
from oio.common.json import json
from oio.common.utils import request_id
from oio.content.factory import ContentFactory
from oio.event.beanstalk import BeanstalkdListener, BeanstalkdSender
from oio.event.evob import EventTypes
from oio.rebuilder.rebuilder import Rebuilder, RebuilderWorker


[docs]class BlobImprover(Rebuilder): """ Move chunks of objects declared as "perfectible", if possible to improve them (increased distance between chunks or better hosting service). """ supported_events = (EventTypes.CONTENT_PERFECTIBLE, ) def __init__(self, conf, logger, beanstalkd_addr, **kwargs): super(BlobImprover, self).__init__(conf, logger, volume=None, **kwargs) self.content_factory = ContentFactory(self.conf, logger=self.logger) beanstalkd_tube = self.conf.get('beanstalkd_tube', DEFAULT_IMPROVER_TUBE) self.listener = BeanstalkdListener(beanstalkd_addr, beanstalkd_tube, self.logger, **kwargs) self.sender = BeanstalkdSender(beanstalkd_addr, beanstalkd_tube, self.logger, **kwargs) self.retry_delay = int_value(self.conf.get('retry_delay'), 30) self.reqid_prefix = 'blob-impr-'
[docs] def exit_gracefully(self, signum, frame): super(BlobImprover, self).exit_gracefully(signum, frame) self.listener.running = False
def _event_from_job(self, job_id, data, **kwargs): """Decode a JSON string into an event dictionary.""" # pylint: disable=no-member event = json.loads(data) type_ = event.get('event') # Bury events that should not be there if type_ not in self.__class__.supported_events: msg = 'Discarding event %s (type=%s)' % ( event.get('job_id'), type_) raise exceptions.ExplicitBury(msg) yield event def _create_worker(self, **kwargs): return BlobImproverWorker(self, **kwargs) def _fill_queue(self, queue, **kwargs): max_events = kwargs.get('max_events') sent_events = 0 # Do not block more than 2 seconds events = self.listener.fetch_jobs(self._event_from_job, reserve_timeout=2, **kwargs) for event in events: queue.put(event) sent_events += 1 if max_events > 0 and sent_events >= max_events:'Max events (%d) reached, exiting', max_events) break if not self.running: break events.close() def _read_retry_queue(self, queue, **kwargs): while True: # Reschedule jobs we were not able to handle. item = queue.get() sent = False while not sent: sent = self.sender.send_job(json.dumps(item), delay=self.retry_delay) if not sent: sleep(1.0) self.sender.job_done() queue.task_done() def _item_to_string(self, item, **kwargs): try: url = item['url'] fullpath = encode_fullpath( url['account'], url['user'], url['path'], url.get('version', 1), url['content']) # TODO(FVE): maybe tell some numbers about chunks if item.get('event') == EventTypes.CONTENT_PERFECTIBLE: return 'perfectible object %s' % (fullpath, ) else: return 'object %s' % (fullpath, ) except (KeyError, ValueError) as err: return '<unknown item> ({0})'.format(repr(err)) def _get_report(self, status, end_time, counters, **kwargs): items_processed, errors, total_items_processed, total_errors = counters time_since_last_report = (end_time - self.last_report) or 0.00001 total_time = (end_time - self.start_time) or 0.00001 return ('%(status)s volume=%(volume)s ' 'last_report=%(last_report)s %(time_since_last_report).2fs ' 'chunks=%(chunks)d %(chunks_rate).2f/s ' 'errors=%(errors)d %(errors_rate).2f%% ' 'start_time=%(start_time)s %(total_time).2fs ' 'total_chunks=%(total_chunks)d ' '%(total_chunks_rate).2f/s ' 'total_errors=%(total_errors)d %(total_errors_rate).2f%%' % { 'status': status, 'volume': self.volume, 'last_report': datetime.fromtimestamp( int(self.last_report)).isoformat(), 'time_since_last_report': time_since_last_report, 'chunks': items_processed, 'chunks_rate': items_processed / time_since_last_report, 'errors': errors, 'errors_rate': 100 * errors / float(items_processed or 1), 'start_time': datetime.fromtimestamp( int(self.start_time)).isoformat(), 'total_time': total_time, 'total_chunks': total_items_processed, 'total_chunks_rate': total_items_processed / total_time, 'total_errors': total_errors, 'total_errors_rate': 100 * total_errors / float(total_items_processed or 1) })
[docs]class BlobImproverWorker(RebuilderWorker): def __init__(self, rebuilder, **kwargs): super(BlobImproverWorker, self).__init__(rebuilder, **kwargs) @property def content_factory(self): return self.rebuilder.content_factory
[docs] def move_perfectible_from_event(self, event, dry_run=False, max_attempts=3, **kwargs): """ Move one or more "perfectible" chunks described in a "storage.content.perfectible" event. """ url = event['url'] reqid = request_id(self.rebuilder.reqid_prefix) descr = self.rebuilder._item_to_string(event)'Working on %s (reqid=%s)', descr, reqid) # There are chances that the set of chunks of the object has # changed between the time the event has been emitted and now. # It seems a good idea to reload the object metadata and compare. content = self.content_factory.get(url['id'], url['content'], account=url.get('account'), container_name=url.get('user'), reqid=reqid) for chunk in event['data']['chunks']: found = content.chunks.filter(url=chunk['id']).one() if not found: raise exceptions.PreconditionFailed( "Chunk %s not found in %s" % (chunk['id'], descr)) # Chunk quality information is not saved along with object # metadata, thus we must fill it now. found.quality = chunk['quality'] moveable = [chunk for chunk in content.chunks if chunk.imperfections] moveable.sort(key=lambda x: x.imperfections) moves = list() errors = list() if not moveable:'Nothing to do for %s', descr) return moves, errors for chunk in moveable: try: src = str(chunk.url) # Must do a copy or bad things will happen. raw_src = dict(chunk.raw()) self.logger.debug("Working on %s: %s", src, chunk.imperfections) # TODO(FVE): try to improve all chunks of a metachunk # in a single pass dst = content.move_chunk(chunk, check_quality=True, dry_run=dry_run, reqid=reqid, max_attempts=max_attempts, **kwargs) self.logger.debug("%s replaced by %s", src, dst['url']) moves.append((raw_src, dst)) except exceptions.OioException as err: self.logger.warn("Could not improve %s: %s", chunk, err) errors.append(err) return moves, errors
def _rebuild_one(self, item, dry_run=False, move_attempts=3, **kwargs): moves, errors = self.move_perfectible_from_event( item, dry_run=dry_run, max_attempts=move_attempts, **kwargs) if errors: if not moves: # Later we may want to limit attempts. item['attempts'] = item.get('attempts', 0) + 1 raise exceptions.RetryLater( item, 'Could not improve any chunk: %s' % errors) else: 'Some chunks of %s have not been improved: %s', self.rebuilder._item_to_string(item), errors) # TODO(FVE): build a new event, send it back else: # TODO(FVE): if there are no moves, should we reschedule? for move in moves: self.logger.debug('%s%s moved to %s', 'dry-run: ' if dry_run else '', move[0], move[1]) if dry_run: raise exceptions.RetryLater(item, 'Rescheduled after dry-run')