Docker Image
This Docker image provides an easy way to run an OpenIO namespace. It deploys and configure a simple non-replicated namespace in a single container.
OpenIO SDS service discovery and resolution relies on IP addresses, meaning that you can’t change service IPs after they have been registered to the cluster. By default, Docker networking may change you IP when your container restarts, and this is not compatible with OpenIO SDS at the moment.
First, download the OpenIO Docker image from the Docker Hub:
pull docker imagedocker pull openio/sds:20.04
Start a simple Docker container
run imagedocker run --name oio-sds openio/sds:20.04run image and map the oioswift portdocker run --name oio-sds -p 6007:6007 openio/sds
Retrieve the container’s private IP with the following command.
Get IP of container named “oio-sds”docker inspect -f '{{ .NetworkSettings.IPAddress }}' oio-sds
For the rest of this guide, consider that the private IP is
Now, you can access OpenIO SDS server from any other Docker container with
the ip address
, user demo:demo
and password DEMO_PASS
Openstack swift
Install the swift client on your docker host and use it like this :
test with the swift clientyum install python-swiftclient swift -A -U demo:demo -K DEMO_PASS stat
Create configuration files in your home directory like:
~/.aws/credentials[default] aws_access_key_id = demo:demo aws_secret_access_key = DEMO_PASS~/.aws/config[default] region = us-east-1 s3 = signature_version = s3v4 max_concurrent_requests = 20 max_queue_size = 100 multipart_threshold = 10GB multipart_chunksize = 10MB
And install the AWS client and use it like this :
create bucket with awscliyum install awscli aws --endpoint-url --no-verify-ssl s3 mb s3://bucket1
You can also use a compliant S3 appliance like describe in the integration part.
Use the openio client in the docker instance
create object with openio clidocker ps docker exec -it <container_ID> bash # echo 'Hello OpenIO!' > test.txt # openio object create MY_OIO_CONTAINER test.txt --oio-account=MY_ACCOUNT --ns=OPENIO
Customize your docker instance
Use the host network interface
You can start an instance using Docker host mode networking. This allows you to access services outside your container. You can specify the interface or the IP address you want to use.
Setting the interface
Bind the Docker container to your interface eth0
use your local interfacedocker run -e OPENIO_IFDEV=eth0 --net=host openio/sds
Specifying the IP
Bind the Docker container to your ip local address
use your local addressdocker run -e OPENIO_IPADDR= --net=host openio/sds
Binding to host port
Bind the Docker container to your ip local address
and port 6007
use your local address and choose the portdocker run -p openio/sds
Change the credentials
Default credentials are demo:demo as user and DEMO_PASS as password.
You can change this default with:
setup your own credentialsdocker run -e SWIFT_CREDENTIALS="myproject:myuser:mypassword:.admin" openio/sds
Change the S3 region
Default region is us-east-1
You can change this default with:
change aws regiondocker run -e REGION="us-west-1" openio/sds
Increase number of workers
By default, oioswift have only 1 worker.
Use an integer to override this default:
increase workerdocker run -e WORKERS=2 openio/sds
In this example, you will have 2 workers configured in oioswift
Increase number of meta2
By default, the docker image contains only one service meta2
You can add additional services meta2
increase workerdocker run -e SUPPL_M2=3 openio/sds
In this example, you will have 4 services meta2
in the container.
Use the API
Before using openio CLI or Python, Java or C API from the outside, copy the contents of /etc/oio/sds.conf.d/OPENIO from the container to the same file on your host.
get namespace configurationdocker exec -it <container_ID> /bin/cat /etc/oio/sds.conf.d/OPENIO > /etc/oio/sds.conf.d/OPENIO
Mount your local storage
The purpose of this image is mainly the POC or the continuous integration. However, it is quite possible to save your data locally.
mount local volumemkdir accounting metadata-level0 metadata-level1 metadata-level2 data sudo chown 120:220 accounting metadata-level0 metadata-level1 metadata-level2 data docker run \ -v $PWD/metadata-level0:/var/lib/oio/sds/OPENIO/meta0-0 \ -v $PWD/metadata-level1:/var/lib/oio/sds/OPENIO/meta1-0 \ -v $PWD/metadata-level2:/var/lib/oio/sds/OPENIO/meta2-0 \ -v $PWD/accounting:/var/lib/oio/sds/OPENIO/redis-0 \ -v $PWD/data:/var/lib/oio/sds/OPENIO/rawx-0 \ openio/sds:20.04