Source code for oio.common.exceptions

# Copyright (C) 2015-2019 OpenIO SAS, as part of OpenIO SDS
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 3.0 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library.

from sys import exc_info

from six import binary_type, reraise as six_reraise

[docs]class OioException(Exception): pass
[docs]class ConfigurationException(OioException): pass
[docs]class MissingAttribute(OioException): def __init__(self, attribute): self.attribute = attribute def __str__(self): return '%s' % self.attribute def __repr__(self): return "%s(%r)" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.attribute)
[docs]class ChunkException(OioException): pass
[docs]class CorruptedChunk(ChunkException): pass
[docs]class FaultyChunk(ChunkException): """ Raised when a chunk misses some extended attributes, or they have invalid values. """ def __repr__(self): if len(self.args) > 1: return "%s%r" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.args) else: return super(FaultyChunk, self).__repr__()
[docs]class OrphanChunk(ChunkException): pass
[docs]class ServerException(OioException): pass
[docs]class Meta2Exception(OioException): pass
[docs]class SpareChunkException(Meta2Exception): """ Exception raised when no spare chunk has been found, or some may have been found but they don't match all criteria. """ pass
[docs]class ContentException(OioException): pass
[docs]class ContentNotFound(ContentException): pass
[docs]class UnrecoverableContent(ContentException): pass
[docs]class ServiceUnavailable(OioException): """ Exception raised when some services are temporarily not available. This does not mean data is lost. """ pass
[docs]class CommandError(Exception): pass
[docs]class ExplicitBury(OioException): pass
[docs]class RetryLater(OioException): """ Exception raised by workers that want a task to be rescheduled later. """ pass
[docs]class ECError(Exception): pass
[docs]class EmptyByteRange(Exception): pass
[docs]class InvalidStorageMethod(OioException): pass
[docs]class PreconditionFailed(OioException): pass
[docs]class EtagMismatch(OioException): pass
[docs]class MissingContentLength(OioException): pass
[docs]class MissingData(OioException): pass
[docs]class MissingName(OioException): pass
[docs]class FileNotFound(OioException): pass
[docs]class LifecycleNotFound(OioException): pass
[docs]class ContainerNotEmpty(OioException): pass
[docs]class NoSuchAccount(OioException): pass
[docs]class NoSuchContainer(OioException): pass
[docs]class NoSuchObject(OioException): pass
[docs]class NoSuchReference(OioException): pass
[docs]class SourceReadError(OioException): pass
[docs]class OioNetworkException(OioException): """Network related exception (connection, timeout...).""" pass
[docs]class OioTimeout(OioNetworkException): pass
[docs]class SourceReadTimeout(OioTimeout): """ Specialization of OioTimeout for the case when a timeout occurs while reading data from a client application. """ pass
[docs]class DeadlineReached(OioException): """ Special exception to be raised when a deadline is reached. This differs from the `OioTimeout` in that we are sure the operation won't succeed silently in the background. """ def __str__(self): if not self.args: return 'Deadline reached' return super(DeadlineReached, self).__str__()
[docs]class VolumeException(OioException): """ Exception raised when someone is trying to contact a rdir service, but there is none assigned to the specified rawx. """ pass
[docs]class StatusMessageException(OioException): """ Error carrying an HTTP status, an OIO status and a message. """ def __init__(self, http_status, status=None, message=None): self.http_status = http_status self.message = message or 'n/a' self.status = status super(StatusMessageException, self).__init__(self.message) def __str__(self): out = "%s (HTTP %s)" % (self.message, self.http_status) if self.status: out += ' (STATUS %s)' % self.status return out
[docs]class UnfinishedUploadException(OioException): """ Exception raised when a number of chunks are not uploaded. """ def __init__(self, exception, chunks_already_uploaded): self.exception = exception self.chunks_already_uploaded = chunks_already_uploaded super(UnfinishedUploadException, self).__init__()
[docs] def reraise(self): """ Re-raise the wrapped exception. This is intended to be called after some sort of cleanup has been done. """ six_reraise(type(self.exception), self.exception, exc_info()[2])
[docs]class ClientException(StatusMessageException): pass
[docs]class BadRequest(ClientException): """ Request is not correct. """ def __init__(self, http_status=400, status=None, message=None): super(BadRequest, self).__init__(http_status, status, message)
[docs]class Forbidden(ClientException): """ Operation is forbidden. """ def __init__(self, http_status=403, status=None, message=None): super(Forbidden, self).__init__(http_status, status, message)
[docs]class NotFound(ClientException): """Resource was not found.""" def __init__(self, http_status=404, status=None, message=None): super(NotFound, self).__init__(http_status, status, message)
[docs]class MethodNotAllowed(ClientException): """ Request method is not allowed. May be raised when the namespace is in WORM mode and user tries to delete. """ def __init__(self, http_status=405, status=None, message=None): super(MethodNotAllowed, self).__init__(http_status, status, message)
# TODO(FVE): parse 'Allow' header
[docs]class Conflict(ClientException): def __init__(self, http_status=409, status=None, message=None): super(Conflict, self).__init__(http_status, status, message)
[docs]class ClientPreconditionFailed(ClientException): def __init__(self, http_status=412, status=None, message=None): super(ClientPreconditionFailed, self).__init__( http_status, status, message)
[docs]class TooLarge(ClientException): def __init__(self, http_status=413, status=None, message=None): super(TooLarge, self).__init__(http_status, status, message)
[docs]class UnsatisfiableRange(ClientException): def __init__(self, http_status=416, status=None, message=None): super(UnsatisfiableRange, self).__init__(http_status, status, message)
# FIXME(FVE): ServiceBusy is not a client exception
[docs]class ServiceBusy(ClientException): """ This kind of exceptions tell that the system was "busy" and could not handle the request at the moment. The user is invited to retry after a few seconds. """ def __init__(self, http_status=503, status=None, message=None): super(ServiceBusy, self).__init__(http_status, status, message)
_http_status_map = { 400: BadRequest, 403: Forbidden, 404: NotFound, 405: MethodNotAllowed, 409: Conflict, 412: ClientPreconditionFailed, 413: TooLarge, 416: UnsatisfiableRange, 503: ServiceBusy, }
[docs]def from_status(status, reason="n/a"): cls = _http_status_map.get(status, ClientException) return cls(status, None, reason)
[docs]def from_response(resp, body=None): try: http_status = resp.status except AttributeError: http_status = resp.status_code cls = _http_status_map.get(http_status, ClientException) if body: message = "n/a" status = None try: message = body.get('message') status = body.get('status') except Exception: if isinstance(body, binary_type): message = body.decode('utf-8') else: message = body return cls(http_status, status, message) else: return cls(http_status, resp.reason)
[docs]def reraise(exc_type, exc_value, extra_message=None): """ Raise an exception of type `exc_type` with arguments of `exc_value` plus maybe `extra_message` at the beginning. """ args = exc_value.args if isinstance(exc_value, StatusMessageException): args = (exc_value.message, ) + args if extra_message: args = (extra_message, ) + args six_reraise(exc_type, exc_type(*args), exc_info()[2])