Source code for oio.check_service.check_rawx

# Copyright (C) 2017 OpenIO SAS, as part of OpenIO SDS
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 3.0 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library.

import string
from hashlib import md5
from oio.check_service.common import CheckService, random_buffer
from oio.common.constants import CHUNK_HEADERS, OIO_VERSION

[docs]class CheckRawx(CheckService): def __init__(self, namespace, **kwargs): super(CheckRawx, self).__init__(namespace, "rawx", **kwargs) def _chunk_id(self): return '0'*16 + random_buffer('0123456789ABCDEF', 48) def _chunk_headers(self, chunk_id, data): return { CHUNK_HEADERS['content_id']: '0123456789ABCDEF', CHUNK_HEADERS['content_version']: '1456938361143740', CHUNK_HEADERS['content_path']: 'test', CHUNK_HEADERS['content_chunkmethod']: 'ec/algo=liberasurecode_rs_vand,k=6,m=3', CHUNK_HEADERS['content_policy']: 'TESTPOLICY', CHUNK_HEADERS['container_id']: '1'*64, CHUNK_HEADERS['chunk_id']: chunk_id, CHUNK_HEADERS['chunk_size']: len(data), CHUNK_HEADERS['chunk_hash']: md5(data).hexdigest().upper(), CHUNK_HEADERS['chunk_pos']: 0, CHUNK_HEADERS['full_path']: 'test/test/test,test1/test1/test1', CHUNK_HEADERS['oio_version']: OIO_VERSION } def _chunk_url(self, rawx_host, chunk_id): return '/'.join((rawx_host, chunk_id)) def _direct_request(self, method, url, body, headers, expected_status=None, trailers=None, **kwargs): data = None if method == 'PUT': headers['transfer-encoding'] = 'chunked' data = '' if body: data += '%x\r\n%s\r\n' % (len(body), body) data += '0\r\n' if trailers: for k, v in trailers.items(): data += '%s: %s\r\n' % (k, v) data += '\r\n' if trailers: headers['Trailer'] = list() for k, v in trailers.items(): headers['Trailer'].append(k) response = super(CheckRawx, self)._direct_request( method, url, headers=headers, data=data, expected_status=expected_status, **kwargs) if method == 'PUT': del headers['transfer-encoding'] if trailers: del headers['Trailer'] return response def _compare_data(self, data1, data2): return data1 == data2 def _cycle(self, rawx_host): length = 1024 chunk_data = random_buffer(string.printable, length) metachunk_size = 9 * length metachunk_hash = md5().hexdigest() trailers = {CHUNK_HEADERS['metachunk_size']: metachunk_size, CHUNK_HEADERS['metachunk_hash']: metachunk_hash} chunk_id = self._chunk_id() chunk_headers = self._chunk_headers(chunk_id, chunk_data) chunk_url = self._chunk_url("http://" + rawx_host, chunk_id) global_success = True resp, _, success = self._direct_request( 'GET', chunk_url, None, None, expected_status=404) global_success &= success _, _, success = self._direct_request( 'DELETE', chunk_url, None, None, expected_status=404) global_success &= success _, _, success = self._direct_request( 'PUT', chunk_url, chunk_data, chunk_headers, expected_status=201, trailers=trailers) global_success &= success _, body, success = self._direct_request( 'GET', chunk_url, None, None, expected_status=200) global_success &= success success = self._compare_data(body, chunk_data) global_success &= success _, _, success = self._direct_request( 'DELETE', chunk_url, None, None, expected_status=204) global_success &= success _, _, success = self._direct_request( 'GET', chunk_url, None, None, expected_status=404) global_success &= success return global_success