Source code for oio.api.replication

# Copyright (C) 2015-2020 OpenIO SAS, as part of OpenIO SDS
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 3.0 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library.

import hashlib
from import LightQueue, Timeout, GreenPile

from socket import error as SocketError

from six import text_type
from six.moves.urllib_parse import urlparse

from oio.api import io
from oio.common.exceptions import OioTimeout, SourceReadError, \
from oio.common.http import headers_from_object_metadata
from oio.common.utils import encode, monotonic_time
from oio.common.constants import CHUNK_HEADERS
from oio.common import green
from oio.common.logger import get_logger

LOGGER = get_logger({}, __name__)

[docs]class FakeChecksum(object): """Acts as a checksum object but does not compute anything""" def __init__(self, actual_checksum): self.checksum = actual_checksum
[docs] def hexdigest(self): """Returns the checksum passed as constructor parameter""" return self.checksum
[docs] def update(self, *_args, **_kwargs): pass
[docs]class ReplicatedMetachunkWriter(io.MetachunkWriter): def __init__(self, sysmeta, meta_chunk, checksum, storage_method, quorum=None, connection_timeout=None, write_timeout=None, read_timeout=None, headers=None, **kwargs): super(ReplicatedMetachunkWriter, self).__init__( storage_method=storage_method, quorum=quorum, **kwargs) self.sysmeta = sysmeta self.meta_chunk = meta_chunk self.checksum = checksum self.connection_timeout = connection_timeout or io.CONNECTION_TIMEOUT self.write_timeout = write_timeout or io.CHUNK_TIMEOUT self.read_timeout = read_timeout or io.CLIENT_TIMEOUT self.headers = headers or {} self.logger = kwargs.get('logger', LOGGER)
[docs] def stream(self, source, size): bytes_transferred = 0 meta_chunk = self.meta_chunk if self.chunk_checksum_algo: meta_checksum = else: meta_checksum = None pile = GreenPile(len(meta_chunk)) failed_chunks = [] current_conns = [] for chunk in meta_chunk: pile.spawn(self._connect_put, chunk) for conn, chunk in pile: if not conn: failed_chunks.append(chunk) else: current_conns.append(conn) self.quorum_or_fail([co.chunk for co in current_conns], failed_chunks) bytes_transferred = 0 try: with green.ContextPool(len(meta_chunk)) as pool: for conn in current_conns: conn.failed = False conn.queue = LightQueue(io.PUT_QUEUE_DEPTH) pool.spawn(self._send_data, conn) while True: buffer_size = self.buffer_size() if size is not None: remaining_bytes = size - bytes_transferred if buffer_size < remaining_bytes: read_size = buffer_size else: read_size = remaining_bytes else: read_size = buffer_size with green.SourceReadTimeout(self.read_timeout): try: data = except (ValueError, IOError) as err: raise SourceReadError(str(err)) if len(data) == 0: for conn in current_conns: if not conn.failed: conn.queue.put(b'') break self.checksum.update(data) if meta_checksum: meta_checksum.update(data) bytes_transferred += len(data) # copy current_conns to be able to remove a failed conn for conn in current_conns[:]: if not conn.failed: conn.queue.put(data) else: current_conns.remove(conn) failed_chunks.append(conn.chunk) self.quorum_or_fail([co.chunk for co in current_conns], failed_chunks) for conn in current_conns: while conn.queue.qsize(): green.eventlet_yield() except green.SourceReadTimeout as err: self.logger.warn('Source read timeout (reqid=%s): %s', self.reqid, err) raise SourceReadTimeout(err) except SourceReadError as err: self.logger.warn('Source read error (reqid=%s): %s', self.reqid, err) raise except Timeout as to: self.logger.warn('Timeout writing data (reqid=%s): %s', self.reqid, to) raise OioTimeout(to) except Exception: self.logger.exception('Exception writing data (reqid=%s)', self.reqid) raise success_chunks = [] for conn in current_conns: if conn.failed: failed_chunks.append(conn.chunk) continue pile.spawn(self._get_response, conn) for (conn, resp) in pile: if resp: self._handle_resp( conn, resp, meta_checksum.hexdigest() if meta_checksum else None, success_chunks, failed_chunks) self.quorum_or_fail(success_chunks, failed_chunks) for chunk in success_chunks: chunk["size"] = bytes_transferred return bytes_transferred, success_chunks[0]['hash'], success_chunks
def _connect_put(self, chunk): """ Create a connection in order to PUT `chunk`. :returns: a tuple with the connection object and `chunk` """ raw_url = chunk.get("real_url", chunk["url"]) parsed = urlparse(raw_url) try: chunk_path = parsed.path.split('/')[-1] hdrs = headers_from_object_metadata(self.sysmeta) hdrs[CHUNK_HEADERS["chunk_pos"]] = chunk["pos"] hdrs[CHUNK_HEADERS["chunk_id"]] = chunk_path hdrs.update(self.headers) hdrs = encode(hdrs) with green.ConnectionTimeout(self.connection_timeout): if self.perfdata is not None: connect_start = monotonic_time() conn = io.http_connect( parsed.netloc, 'PUT', parsed.path, hdrs, scheme=parsed.scheme) conn.set_cork(True) if self.perfdata is not None: connect_end = monotonic_time() perfdata_rawx = self.perfdata.setdefault('rawx', dict()) perfdata_rawx['connect.' + chunk['url']] = \ connect_end - connect_start conn.chunk = chunk return conn, chunk except (SocketError, Timeout) as err: msg = str(err) self.logger.warn("Failed to connect to %s (reqid=%s): %s", chunk, self.reqid, err) except Exception as err: msg = str(err) self.logger.exception("Failed to connect to %s (reqid=%s)", chunk, self.reqid) chunk['error'] = msg return None, chunk def _send_data(self, conn): """ Send data to an open connection, taking data blocks from `conn.queue`. """ conn.upload_start = None while True: data = conn.queue.get() if isinstance(data, text_type): data = data.encode('utf-8') if not conn.failed: try: with green.ChunkWriteTimeout(self.write_timeout): if self.perfdata is not None \ and conn.upload_start is None: conn.upload_start = monotonic_time() conn.send(b'%x\r\n' % len(data)) conn.send(data) conn.send(b'\r\n') if not data: if self.perfdata is not None: fin_start = monotonic_time() # Last segment sent, disable TCP_CORK to flush buffers conn.set_cork(False) if self.perfdata is not None: fin_end = monotonic_time() rawx_perfdata = self.perfdata.setdefault('rawx', dict()) chunk_url = conn.chunk['url'] rawx_perfdata['upload_finish.' + chunk_url] = \ fin_end - fin_start green.eventlet_yield() except (Exception, green.ChunkWriteTimeout) as err: conn.failed = True conn.chunk['error'] = str(err) def _get_response(self, conn): """ Wait for server response. :returns: a tuple with `conn` and the reponse object or an exception. """ try: with green.ChunkWriteTimeout(self.write_timeout): resp = conn.getresponse() if self.perfdata is not None: upload_end = monotonic_time() perfdata_rawx = self.perfdata.setdefault('rawx', dict()) chunk_url = conn.chunk['url'] perfdata_rawx['upload.' + chunk_url] = \ upload_end - conn.upload_start except Timeout as err: resp = err self.logger.warn('Failed to read response from %s (reqid=%s): %s', conn.chunk, self.reqid, err) except Exception as err: resp = err self.logger.exception("Failed to read response from %s (reqid=%s)", conn.chunk, self.reqid) return (conn, resp) def _handle_resp(self, conn, resp, checksum, successes, failures): """ If `resp` is an exception or its status is not 201, declare `conn` as failed and put `conn.chunk` in `failures` list. Otherwise put `conn.chunk` in `successes` list. And then close `conn`. """ if resp: if isinstance(resp, (Exception, Timeout)): conn.failed = True conn.chunk['error'] = str(resp) failures.append(conn.chunk) elif resp.status != 201: conn.failed = True conn.chunk['error'] = 'HTTP %s' % resp.status failures.append(conn.chunk) self.logger.error( "Unexpected status code from %s (reqid=%s): %s", conn.chunk, self.reqid, resp.status) else: rawx_checksum = resp.getheader(CHUNK_HEADERS['chunk_hash']) if rawx_checksum and checksum and \ rawx_checksum.lower() != checksum: conn.failed = True conn.chunk['error'] = \ "checksum mismatch: %s (local), %s (rawx)" % \ (checksum, rawx_checksum.lower()) failures.append(conn.chunk) self.logger.error("%s (reqid=%s): %s", conn.chunk['url'], self.reqid, conn.chunk['error']) else: conn.chunk['hash'] = checksum or rawx_checksum successes.append(conn.chunk) conn.close()
[docs]class ReplicatedWriteHandler(io.WriteHandler): """ Handles writes to a replicated content. For initialization parameters, see """
[docs] def stream(self): global_checksum = hashlib.md5() total_bytes_transferred = 0 content_chunks = [] kwargs = ReplicatedMetachunkWriter.filter_kwargs(self.extra_kwargs) for meta_chunk in self.chunk_prep(): size = self.sysmeta['chunk_size'] handler = ReplicatedMetachunkWriter( self.sysmeta, meta_chunk, global_checksum, self.storage_method, connection_timeout=self.connection_timeout, write_timeout=self.write_timeout, read_timeout=self.read_timeout, headers=self.headers, **kwargs) bytes_transferred, _h, chunks =, size) content_chunks += chunks total_bytes_transferred += bytes_transferred if bytes_transferred < size: break if len(self.source.peek()) == 0: break content_checksum = global_checksum.hexdigest() return content_chunks, total_bytes_transferred, content_checksum