Source code for oio.account.server

# Copyright (C) 2015-2020 OpenIO SAS, as part of OpenIO SDS
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

from werkzeug.wrappers import Response
from werkzeug.routing import Map, Rule
from werkzeug.exceptions import NotFound, BadRequest, Conflict, HTTPException
from functools import wraps

from oio.account.backend import AccountBackend
from oio.common.constants import REQID_HEADER, STRLEN_REQID
from oio.common.json import json
from oio.common.logger import get_logger
from oio.common.wsgi import WerkzeugApp
from oio.common.easy_value import int_value, true_value


[docs]def access_log(func): @wraps(func) def _access_log_wrapper(self, req, *args, **kwargs): from time import time pre = time() rc = func(self, req, *args, **kwargs) post = time() reqid = req.headers.get(REQID_HEADER, '-')[:STRLEN_REQID] if isinstance(rc, HTTPException): code = str(rc.code) elif isinstance(rc, Response): code = str(rc.status_code) else: code = "-" # func time size user reqid"%s %s %0.6f %s %s %s", func.__name__, code, post - pre, '-', '-', reqid) return rc return _access_log_wrapper
[docs]class Account(WerkzeugApp): # pylint: disable=no-member def __init__(self, conf, backend, logger=None): self.conf = conf self.backend = backend self.logger = logger or get_logger(conf) self.url_map = Map([ Rule('/status', endpoint='status'), Rule('/v1.0/account/create', endpoint='account_create', methods=['PUT']), Rule('/v1.0/account/delete', endpoint='account_delete', methods=['POST']), Rule('/v1.0/account/list', endpoint='account_list', methods=['GET']), Rule('/v1.0/account/update', endpoint='account_update', methods=['PUT', 'POST']), # FIXME(adu) only PUT Rule('/v1.0/account/update-bucket', endpoint='bucket_update', methods=['PUT']), Rule('/v1.0/account/show', endpoint='account_show', methods=['GET']), Rule('/v1.0/account/show-bucket', endpoint='bucket_show', methods=['GET']), Rule('/v1.0/account/show-container', endpoint='account_container_show', methods=['GET']), Rule('/v1.0/account/buckets', endpoint='account_buckets', methods=['GET']), Rule('/v1.0/account/containers', endpoint='account_containers', methods=['GET']), Rule('/v1.0/account/refresh', endpoint='account_refresh', methods=['POST']), Rule('/v1.0/account/flush', endpoint='account_flush', methods=['POST']), Rule('/v1.0/account/container/reset', endpoint='account_container_reset', methods=['PUT', 'POST']), # FIXME(adu) only PUT Rule('/v1.0/account/container/show', endpoint='account_container_show', methods=['GET']), Rule('/v1.0/account/container/update', endpoint='account_container_update', methods=['PUT', 'POST']), # FIXME(adu) only PUT Rule('/v1.0/bucket/show', endpoint='bucket_show', methods=['GET']), Rule('/v1.0/bucket/update', endpoint='bucket_update', methods=['PUT']), ]) super(Account, self).__init__(self.url_map, self.logger) def _get_item_id(self, req, key='id', what='account'): """Fetch the name of the requested item, raise an error if missing.""" item_id = req.args.get(key) if not item_id: raise BadRequest('Missing %s ID' % what) return item_id def _get_account_id(self, req): """Fetch account name from request query string.""" return self._get_item_id(req, what='account') # ACCT{{ # GET /status # ~~~~~~~~~~~ # Return a summary of the target account service. The body of the reply # will present a count of the objects in the databse, formatted as a JSON # object. # # Sample request: # # .. code-block:: http # # GET /status HTTP/1.1 # Host: # User-Agent: curl/7.55.1 # Accept: */* # # Sample response: # # .. code-block:: http # # HTTP/1.1 200 OK # Server: gunicorn/19.7.1 # Date: Wed, 22 Nov 2017 09:45:03 GMT # Connection: keep-alive # Content-Type: text/json; charset=utf-8 # Content-Length: 20 # # {"account_count": 0} # # }}ACCT
[docs] def on_status(self, req): status = self.backend.status() return Response(json.dumps(status), mimetype='text/json')
# ACCT{{ # PUT /v1.0/account/create?id=<account_name> # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Create a new account with the specified name. # # Sample request: # # .. code-block:: http # # PUT /v1.0/account/create?id=myaccount HTTP/1.1 # Host: # User-Agent: curl/7.47.0 # Accept: */* # # Sample response: # # .. code-block:: http # # HTTP/1.1 201 CREATED # Server: gunicorn/19.9.0 # Date: Wed, 01 Aug 2018 12:17:25 GMT # Connection: keep-alive # Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 # Content-Length: 9 # # myaccount # # }}ACCT
[docs] @access_log def on_account_create(self, req): account_id = self._get_account_id(req) aid = self.backend.create_account(account_id) if aid: return Response(aid, 201) return Response(status=202)
# ACCT{{ # GET /v1.0/account/list # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Get the list of existing accounts. # # Sample request: # # .. code-block:: http # # GET /v1.0/account/list HTTP/1.1 # Host: # User-Agent: curl/7.47.0 # Accept: */* # # Sample response: # # .. code-block:: http # # HTTP/1.1 200 OK # Server: gunicorn/19.9.0 # Date: Wed, 01 Aug 2018 12:17:25 GMT # Connection: keep-alive # Content-Type: text/json; charset=utf-8 # Content-Length: 13 # # ["myaccount"] # # }}ACCT
[docs] @access_log def on_account_list(self, req): accounts = self.backend.list_accounts() if accounts is None: return NotFound('No account found') return Response(json.dumps(accounts), mimetype='text/json')
# ACCT{{ # POST /v1.0/account/delete?id=<account_name> # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Delete the specified account. # # Sample request: # # .. code-block:: http # # POST /v1.0/account/delete?id=myaccount HTTP/1.1 # Host: # User-Agent: curl/7.47.0 # Accept: */* # # Sample response: # # .. code-block:: http # # HTTP/1.1 204 No Content # Server: gunicorn/19.9.0 # Date: Wed, 01 Aug 2018 12:17:25 GMT # Connection: keep-alive # Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 # # }}ACCT
[docs] @access_log def on_account_delete(self, req): account_id = self._get_account_id(req) result = self.backend.delete_account(account_id) if result is None: return NotFound('No such account') if result is False: return Conflict('Account not empty') else: return Response(status=204)
# ACCT{{ # POST /v1.0/account/update?id=<account_name> # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # # Update metadata of the specified account. # # Sample request: # # .. code-block:: http # # PUT /v1.0/account/update?id=myaccount HTTP/1.1 # Host: # User-Agent: curl/7.47.0 # Accept: */* # Content-Length: 41 # Content-Type: application/x-www-for-urlencoded # # .. code-block:: json # # { # "metadata": {"key":"value"}, # "to_delete": ["key"] # } # # Sample response: # # .. code-block:: http # # HTTP/1.1 204 NO CONTENT # Server: gunicorn/19.9.0 # Date: Wed, 01 Aug 2018 12:17:25 GMT # Connection: keep-alive # Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 # # }}ACCT
[docs] def on_account_update(self, req): account_id = self._get_account_id(req) decoded = json.loads(req.get_data()) metadata = decoded.get('metadata') to_delete = decoded.get('to_delete') success = self.backend.update_account_metadata( account_id, metadata, to_delete) if success: return Response(status=204) return NotFound('Account not found')
# ACCT{{ # GET /v1.0/account/show?id=<account_name> # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Get information about the specified account. # # Sample request: # # .. code-block:: http # # GET /v1.0/account/show?id=myaccount HTTP/1.1 # Host: # User-Agent: curl/7.47.0 # Accept: */* # # Sample response: # # .. code-block:: http # # HTTP/1.1 200 OK # Server: gunicorn/19.9.0 # Date: Wed, 01 Aug 2018 12:17:25 GMT # Connection: keep-alive # Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 # Content-Length: 107 # # .. code-block:: json # # { # "ctime": "1533127401.08165", # "bytes": 0, # "objects": 0, # "id": "myaccount", # "containers": 0, # "metadata": {} # } # # }}ACCT
[docs] @access_log def on_account_show(self, req): account_id = self._get_account_id(req) raw = self.backend.info_account(account_id) if raw is not None: return Response(json.dumps(raw), mimetype='text/json') return NotFound('Account not found')
# ACCT{{ # GET /v1.0/account/buckets?id=<account_name> # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # # Get information about the buckets belonging to the specified account. # # Sample request: # # .. code-block:: http # # GET /v1.0/account/buckets?id=AUTH_demo HTTP/1.1 # Host: # User-Agent: curl/7.47.0 # Accept: */* # # Sample response: # # .. code-block:: http # # HTTP/1.1 200 OK # Server: gunicorn/19.9.0 # Date: Wed, 01 Aug 2018 12:17:25 GMT # Connection: keep-alive # Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 # Content-Length: 122 # # .. code-block:: json # # { # "buckets": 3, # "bytes": 132573, # "ctime": "1582628089.30237", # "objects": 3, # "listing": [ # { # "bytes": 132573, # "mtime": 1582641887.75408, # "name": "bucket0", # "objects": 3 # }, # { # "bytes": 0, # "mtime": 1582641712.44969, # "name": "bucket1", # "objects": 0 # }, # { # "bytes": 0, # "mtime": 1582641715.19412, # "name": "bucket2", # "objects": 0 # } # ], # "id": "AUTH_demo", # "containers": 5, # "metadata": {} # } # # }}ACCT
[docs] @access_log def on_account_buckets(self, req): account_id = self._get_account_id(req) info = self.backend.info_account(account_id) if not info: return NotFound('Account not found') marker = req.args.get('marker', '') end_marker = req.args.get('end_marker', '') prefix = req.args.get('prefix', '') limit = int(req.args.get('limit', '1000')) bucket_list, next_marker = self.backend.list_buckets( account_id, limit=limit, marker=marker, end_marker=end_marker, prefix=prefix) info['listing'] = bucket_list info['truncated'] = next_marker is not None if next_marker is not None: info['next_marker'] = next_marker result = json.dumps(info) return Response(result, mimetype='text/json')
# ACCT{{ # GET /v1.0/account/containers?id=<account_name> # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # # Get information about the containers belonging to the specified account. # # Sample request: # # .. code-block:: http # # GET /v1.0/account/containers?id=myaccount HTTP/1.1 # Host: # User-Agent: curl/7.47.0 # Accept: */* # # Sample response: # # .. code-block:: http # # HTTP/1.1 200 OK # Server: gunicorn/19.9.0 # Date: Wed, 01 Aug 2018 12:17:25 GMT # Connection: keep-alive # Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 # Content-Length: 122 # # .. code-block:: json # # { # "ctime": "1533127401.08165", # "bytes": 0, # "objects": 0, # "listing": [], # "id": "account", # "containers": 0, # "metadata": {} # } # # }}ACCT
[docs] @access_log def on_account_containers(self, req): account_id = self._get_account_id(req) info = self.backend.info_account(account_id) if not info: return NotFound('Account not found') marker = req.args.get('marker', '') end_marker = req.args.get('end_marker', '') prefix = req.args.get('prefix', '') limit = int(req.args.get('limit', '1000')) limit = max(0, min(ACCOUNT_LISTING_MAX_LIMIT, int_value( req.args.get('limit'), 0))) if limit <= 0: limit = ACCOUNT_LISTING_DEFAULT_LIMIT delimiter = req.args.get('delimiter', '') s3_buckets_only = true_value(req.args.get('s3_buckets_only', False)) user_list = self.backend.list_containers( account_id, limit=limit, marker=marker, end_marker=end_marker, prefix=prefix, delimiter=delimiter, s3_buckets_only=s3_buckets_only) info['listing'] = user_list # TODO(FVE): add "truncated" entry telling if the listing is truncated result = json.dumps(info) return Response(result, mimetype='text/json')
# ACCT{{ # PUT /v1.0/account/container/update?id=<account_name> # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # # Update account with container-related metadata. # # Request example: # # .. code-block:: http # # PUT /v1.0/account/container/update?id=myaccount HTTP/1.1 # Host: # User-Agent: curl/7.47.0 # Accept: */* # Content-Length: 84 # Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded # # .. code-block:: json # # { # "mtime": "123456789", # "dtime": "1223456789", # "name": "user1bucket%2Ffiles", # "objects": 0, # "bytes": 0, # "bucket": "user1bucket" # } # # Response example: # # .. code-block:: http # # HTTP/1.1 200 OK # Server: gunicorn/19.9.0 # Date: Wed, 01 Aug 2018 12:17:25 GMT # Connection: keep-alive # Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 # Content-Length: 117 # # }}ACCT
[docs] def on_account_container_update(self, req): account_id = self._get_account_id(req) data = json.loads(req.get_data()) name = data.get('name') mtime = data.get('mtime') dtime = data.get('dtime') object_count = data.get('objects') bytes_used = data.get('bytes') damaged_objects = data.get('damaged_objects') missing_chunks = data.get('missing_chunks') bucket_name = data.get('bucket') # can be None # Exceptions are catched by dispatch_request info = self.backend.update_container( account_id, name, mtime, dtime, object_count, bytes_used, damaged_objects, missing_chunks, bucket_name=bucket_name) result = json.dumps(info) return Response(result)
# ACCT{{ # PUT /v1.0/account/container/reset?id=<account_name> # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # # Reset statistics of the specified container. # Usually followed by a "container touch" operation. # # Request example: # # .. code-block:: http # # PUT /v1.0/account/container/reset?id=myaccount HTTP/1.1 # Host: # User-Agent: curl/7.47.0 # Accept: */* # Content-Length: 45 # Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded # # .. code-block:: json # # { # "name": "container name", # "mtime": 1234567891011 # } # # Response example: # # .. code-block:: http # # HTTP/1.1 204 NO CONTENT # Server: gunicorn/19.9.0 # Date: Wed, 01 Aug 2018 12:17:25 GMT # Connection: keep-alive # Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 # # }}ACCT
[docs] def on_account_container_reset(self, req): account_id = self._get_account_id(req) data = json.loads(req.get_data()) name = data.get('name') mtime = data.get('mtime') dtime = None object_count = 0 bytes_used = 0 damaged_objects = 0 missing_chunks = 0 # Exceptions are catched by dispatch_request self.backend.update_container( account_id, name, mtime, dtime, object_count, bytes_used, damaged_objects, missing_chunks, autocreate_container=False) return Response(status=204)
# ACCT{{ # POST /v1.0/account/refresh?id=<account_name> # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Refresh counter of an account named account_name # # .. code-block:: http # # POST /v1.0/account/refresh?id=myaccount HTTP/1.1 # Host: # User-Agent: curl/7.47.0 # Accept: */* # # .. code-block:: http # # HTTP/1.1 204 NO CONTENT # Server: gunicorn/19.9.0 # Date: Wed, 01 Aug 2018 12:17:25 GMT # Connection: keep-alive # Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 # # }}ACCT
[docs] @access_log def on_account_refresh(self, req): account_id = self._get_account_id(req) self.backend.refresh_account(account_id) return Response(status=204)
# ACCT{{ # POST /v1.0/account/flush?id=<account_name> # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Flush all container of an account named account_name # # .. code-block:: http # # POST /v1.0/account/flush?id=myaccount HTTP/1.1 # Host: # User-Agent: curl/7.47.0 # Accept: */* # # .. code-block:: http # # HTTP/1.1 204 NO CONTENT # Server: gunicorn/19.9.0 # Date: Wed, 01 Aug 2018 12:17:25 GMT # Connection: keep-alive # Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 # # }}ACCT
[docs] @access_log def on_account_flush(self, req): account_id = self._get_account_id(req) self.backend.flush_account(account_id) return Response(status=204)
# ACCT{{ # GET /v1.0/bucket/show?id=<bucket_name> # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Get information about the specified bucket. # # Sample request: # # .. code-block:: http # # GET /v1.0/bucket/show?id=mybucket HTTP/1.1 # Host: # User-Agent: curl/7.47.0 # Accept: */* # # Sample response: # # .. code-block:: http # # HTTP/1.1 200 OK # Server: gunicorn/19.9.0 # Date: Wed, 01 Aug 2018 12:17:25 GMT # Connection: keep-alive # Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 # Content-Length: 128 # # .. code-block:: json # # { # "account": "myaccount", # "bytes": 11300, # "damaged_objects": 0, # "missing_objects": 0, # "mtime": "1533127401.08165", # "objects": 100, # "replication_enabled": false # } # # }}ACCT
[docs] @access_log def on_bucket_show(self, req): """ Get all available information about a bucket. """ bname = self._get_item_id(req, what='bucket') raw = self.backend.get_bucket_info(bname) if raw is not None: return Response(json.dumps(raw), mimetype='text/json') return NotFound('Bucket not found')
# ACCT{{ # POST /v1.0/bucket/update?id=<bucket_name> # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # # Update metadata of the specified bucket. # # Sample request: # # .. code-block:: http # # PUT /v1.0/bucket/update?id=mybucket HTTP/1.1 # Host: # User-Agent: curl/7.47.0 # Accept: */* # Content-Length: 41 # Content-Type: application/x-www-for-urlencoded # # .. code-block:: json # # { # "metadata": {"key":"value"}, # "to_delete": ["oldkey"] # } # # Sample response: # # .. code-block:: http # # HTTP/1.1 200 OK # Server: gunicorn/19.9.0 # Date: Wed, 01 Aug 2018 12:17:25 GMT # Connection: keep-alive # Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 # # .. code-block:: json # # { # "account": "myaccount", # "bytes": 11300, # "damaged_objects": 0, # "missing_objects": 0, # "mtime": "1533127401.08165", # "objects": 100, # "replication_enabled": false # } # # }}ACCT
[docs] def on_bucket_update(self, req): """ Update (or delete) bucket metadata. """ bname = self._get_item_id(req, what='bucket') decoded = json.loads(req.get_data()) metadata = decoded.get('metadata') to_delete = decoded.get('to_delete') info = self.backend.update_bucket_metadata( bname, metadata, to_delete) if info is not None: return Response(json.dumps(info), mimetype='text/json') return NotFound('Bucket not found')
# ACCT{{ # GET /v1.0/account/container/show?id=<account_name>&container=<container> # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Get information about the specified container. # # Sample request: # # .. code-block:: http # # GET /v1.0/account/show-container?id=AUTH_demo&container=buck0 HTTP/1.1 # Host: # User-Agent: curl/7.47.0 # Accept: */* # # Sample response: # # .. code-block:: http # # HTTP/1.1 200 OK # Server: gunicorn/19.9.0 # Date: Wed, 01 Aug 2018 12:17:25 GMT # Connection: keep-alive # Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 # Content-Length: 128 # # .. code-block:: json # # { # "bucket": "buck0", # "bytes": 2052, # "damaged_objects": 0, # "dtime": "0", # "missing_chunks": 0, # "mtime": "1583772880.48631", # "name": "buck0", # "objects": 2, # "replication_enabled": false # } # # }}ACCT
[docs] @access_log def on_account_container_show(self, req): account_id = self._get_account_id(req) cname = self._get_item_id(req, key='container', what='container') raw = self.backend.get_container_info(account_id, cname) if raw is not None: return Response(json.dumps(raw), mimetype='text/json') return NotFound('Container not found')
[docs]def create_app(conf, **kwargs): backend = AccountBackend(conf) app = Account(conf, backend) return app