# Copyright (C) 2019 OpenIO SAS, as part of OpenIO SDS
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
from datetime import datetime
from oio import ObjectStorageApi
from oio.account.client import AccountClient
from oio.common.green import eventlet
from oio.common.tool import Tool, ToolWorker
[docs]class AccountRebuilder(Tool):
Rebuild the account services.
def __init__(self, conf, accounts=None, **kwargs):
super(AccountRebuilder, self).__init__(conf, **kwargs)
self._accounts_to_refresh = set()
self._accounts_refreshed = eventlet.Queue()
# input
self.accounts = accounts
self.account_client = AccountClient(self.conf, logger=self.logger)
[docs] @staticmethod
def string_from_item(item):
namespace, account, container = item
if container is None:
return '%s|%s' % (namespace, account)
return '%s|%s|%s' % (namespace, account, container)
def _fetch_items_from_accounts(self):
for obj in self.accounts:
namespace = obj['namespace']
account = obj['account']
item = namespace, account, None
yield item
def _fetch_items_from_all_accounts(self):
accounts = self.account_client.account_list()
for account in accounts:
item = self.namespace, account, None
yield item
except Exception as exc:
self.success = False
self.logger.error('Failed to list accounts: %s', exc)
def _fetch_items(self):
if self.accounts:
items = self._fetch_items_from_accounts()
items = self._fetch_items_from_all_accounts()
for item in items:
yield item
while True:
if not self._accounts_to_refresh:
item = self._accounts_refreshed.get()
namespace, account, error = item
self._accounts_to_refresh.remove((namespace, account, None))
if error:
containers = self.account_client.container_list(account)
for container in containers["listing"]:
yield namespace, account, container[0]
except Exception as exc:
self.success = False
self.logger.error('Failed to list containers (account=%s): %s',
account, exc)
def _get_report(self, status, end_time, counters):
entries_processed, total_entries_processed, \
errors, total_errors = counters
time_since_last_report = (end_time - self.last_report) or 0.00001
total_time = (end_time - self.start_time) or 0.00001
report = (
'%(status)s '
'last_report=%(last_report)s %(time_since_last_report).2fs '
'entries=%(entries)d %(entries_rate).2f/s '
'errors=%(errors)d %(errors_rate).2f%% '
'start_time=%(start_time)s %(total_time).2fs '
'total_entries=%(total_entries)d %(total_entries_rate).2f/s '
'total_errors=%(total_errors)d %(total_errors_rate).2f%%' % {
'status': status,
'last_report': datetime.fromtimestamp(
'time_since_last_report': time_since_last_report,
'entries': entries_processed,
'entries_rate': entries_processed / time_since_last_report,
'errors': errors,
'errors_rate': 100 * errors / float(entries_processed or 1),
'start_time': datetime.fromtimestamp(
'total_time': total_time,
'total_entries': total_entries_processed,
'total_entries_rate': total_entries_processed / total_time,
'total_errors': total_errors,
100 * total_errors / float(total_entries_processed or 1)
if self.total_expected_items is not None:
progress = 100 * total_entries_processed / \
float(self.total_expected_items or 1)
report += ' progress=%d/%d %.2f%%' % \
(total_entries_processed, self.total_expected_items, progress)
return report
[docs] def create_worker(self, queue_workers, queue_reply):
return AccountRebuilderWorker(self, queue_workers, queue_reply)
def _load_total_expected_items(self):
if self.accounts and isinstance(self.accounts, list):
self.total_expected_items = len(self.accounts)
[docs] def run(self):
tasks_res = super(AccountRebuilder, self).run()
for task_res in tasks_res:
item, _, error = task_res
namespace, account, container = item
if container is None:
self._accounts_refreshed.put((namespace, account, error))
yield task_res
[docs]class AccountRebuilderWorker(ToolWorker):
def __init__(self, tool, queue_workers, queue_reply):
super(AccountRebuilderWorker, self).__init__(
tool, queue_workers, queue_reply)
self.api = ObjectStorageApi(self.tool.namespace, logger=self.logger)
def _process_item(self, item):
namespace, account, container = item
if namespace != self.tool.namespace:
raise ValueError('Invalid namespace (actual=%s, expected=%s)' % (
namespace, self.tool.namespace))
if container is None:
self.api.container_refresh(account, container)