Source code for oio.zk.admin

# Copyright (C) 2017-2018 OpenIO SAS, as part of OpenIO SDS
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 3.0 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library.

import logging
import itertools
import threading
import zookeeper
from time import time as now

_PREFIX = '/hc'
_PREFIX_NS = _PREFIX + '/ns'
_acl_openbar = [{'perms': zookeeper.PERM_ALL,
                 'scheme': 'world',
                 'id': 'anyone'}]

# An iterable of tuples, explain how the nodes for each service type are
# sharded over a directory hierarchy.
# <type, depth, width>
_srvtypes = (('meta0', 0, 0),
             ('meta1', 1, 3),
             ('meta2', 2, 2),
             ('sqlx', 2, 2))

[docs]def get_meta0_paths(zh, ns): base = _PREFIX_NS + '/' + ns path = base + '/srv/meta0' yield path.strip()
[docs]class ZkHandle(object): def __init__(self, zh): self._zh = zh
[docs] def get(self): return self._zh
[docs] def close(self): zookeeper.close(self._zh) self._zh = None
[docs]def get_connected_handles(cnxstr): zookeeper.set_debug_level(zookeeper.LOG_LEVEL_INFO) for shard in cnxstr.split(";"): zh = zookeeper.init(shard) yield ZkHandle(zh)
def _batch_split(nodes, N): """ Generate batches of paths with a common prefixes, and a maximal size of N items. """ last = 0 batch = list() for x in nodes: current = x[0].count('/') batch.append(x) if len(batch) >= N or last != current: yield batch batch = list() last = current yield batch def _create_ignore_errors(zh, path, data, ctx): def _completion(ctx, *args, **kwargs): rc, zrc, ignored = args if rc != 0: logging.warn("zookeeper.acreate(%s) error rc=%d", path, rc) ctx['failed'] += 1 elif zrc != 0 and zrc != zookeeper.NODEEXISTS: logging.warn('create/set(%s) : FAILED', path) ctx['failed'] += 1 ctx['sem'].release() ctx['started'] += 1 zookeeper.acreate(zh, path, data, _acl_openbar, 0, lambda *a, **ka: _completion(ctx, *a, **ka)) def _batch_create(zh, batch): ctx = {"started": 0, "failed": 0, "sem": threading.Semaphore(0)} for path, data in batch: _create_ignore_errors(zh, path, data, ctx) for i in range(ctx['started']): ctx['sem'].acquire() return ctx['started'], ctx['failed'] def _generate_hash_tokens(w): if w == 0: return [] return itertools.product('0123456789ABCDEF', repeat=w) def _generate_hashed_tree(d0, w0): tokens = [''.join(x) for x in _generate_hash_tokens(w0)] for d in range(d0+1): if d == 0: continue for x in itertools.product(tokens, repeat=d): yield '/'.join(x)
[docs]def generate_namespace_tree(ns, types): yield (_PREFIX_NS, '') yield (_PREFIX_NS+'/'+ns, str(now())) yield (_PREFIX_NS+'/'+ns+'/srv', '') yield (_PREFIX_NS+'/'+ns+'/srv/meta0', '') yield (_PREFIX_NS+'/'+ns+'/el', '') for srvtype, d, w in types: basedir = _PREFIX_NS+'/' + ns + '/el/' + srvtype yield (basedir, '') for x in _generate_hashed_tree(d, w): yield (basedir+'/'+x, '')
def _create_tree(zh, nodes, batch_size): ok, ko = 0, 0 for batch in _batch_split(nodes, batch_size): if not batch: continue pre = now() _ok, _ko = _batch_create(zh, batch) post = now() ok, ko = ok + _ok, ko + _ko logging.debug(" > batch(%d,%d) in %fs (batch[0] = %s)", _ok, _ko, post-pre, batch[0]) return ok, ko def _filter_srvtypes(types_to_avoid): if not types_to_avoid: types_to_avoid = list() for t, w, d in _srvtypes: if types_to_avoid: if t in types_to_avoid: continue yield t, w, d def _probe(zh, ns, types):"Probing for an existing namespace [%s]", ns) try: for t, _, _ in types: _, _ = zookeeper.get(zh, _PREFIX_NS + '/' + ns + '/el/' + t) for path in get_meta0_paths(zh, ns): _, _ = zookeeper.get(zh, path) return True except Exception: return False
[docs]def create_namespace_tree(zh, ns, batch_size=2048, types_to_avoid=[], precheck=False): types = tuple(_filter_srvtypes(types_to_avoid)) if precheck and _probe(zh, ns, types): return 0, 0 # Synchronous creation of the root, helps detecting a lot of # problems with the connection try: zookeeper.create(zh, _PREFIX, '', _acl_openbar, 0) except zookeeper.NodeExistsException: pass nodes = generate_namespace_tree(ns, types) return _create_tree(zh, nodes, batch_size=int(batch_size))
def _delete_children(zh, path): logging.debug("Removing %s", path) try: for n in tuple(zookeeper.get_children(zh, path)): p = path + '/' + n _delete_children(zh, p) zookeeper.delete(zh, p) except Exception as ex: logging.warn("Removal failed: %s", ex)
[docs]def delete_children(zh, ns, subdirs): base = _PREFIX_NS + '/' + ns for subdir in subdirs: path = base + '/' + subdir path = path.replace('//', '/') _delete_children(zh, path)
[docs]def expunge_any_ns(zh): _delete_children(zh, _PREFIX_NS)