OpenIO End-User CLI

Using the command line

To list available commands run openio help:

# openio help

usage: openio [--version] [-v | -q] [--log-file LOG_FILE] [-h] [--debug]
              [--oio-ns <namespace>] [--oio-account <account>]
              [--oio-proxyd-url <proxyd url>] [--admin]

Command-line interface to the OpenIO APIs

optional arguments:
  --version             show program's version number and exit
  -v, --verbose         Increase verbosity of output. Can be repeated.
  -q, --quiet           Suppress output except warnings and errors.
  --log-file LOG_FILE   Specify a file to log output. Disabled by default.
  -h, --help            Show help message and exit.
  --debug               Show tracebacks on errors.
  --oio-ns <namespace>  Namespace name (Env: OIO_NS)
  --oio-account <account>
                        Account name (Env: OIO_ACCOUNT)
  --oio-proxyd-url <proxyd url>
                        Proxyd URL (Env: OIO_PROXYD_URL)
  --admin               passing commands into admin mode


Help on specific commands

To get help on any command, use the help command.

# openio help container create

usage: openio container create [-h] [-f {csv,html,json,table,value,yaml}]
               [-c COLUMN] [--max-width <integer>]
               [--quote {all,minimal,none,nonnumeric}]
               <container-name> [<container-name> ...]

Create container

positional arguments:
<container-name>      New container name(s)

Get started

To use the CLI we need to indicate the namespace name:

# export OIO_NS=OPENIO

Most storage operations also need an account name:

# export OIO_ACCOUNT=my_account

Note here that we use environment variables but you could also use the command-line arguments --oio-ns and --oio-account.

Environment variables

The following environment variables are accepted by the openio command

  • OIO_NS The namespace name.
  • OIO_ACCOUNT The account name to use.
  • OIO_PROXYD_URL Proxied URL to connect to.

Configuration files

By default, the openio command line looks for its configuration in /etc/oio/sds and in the .oio directory within your $HOME.


Accounts track usage about storage; they are automatically created.

Information about accounts

To show information about an account, the number of containers, the number of objects, and total storage usage:

# openio account show my_account

| Field      | Value            |
| bytes      | 0                |
| containers | 1                |
| ctime      | 1441108158.46772 |
| id         | my_account       |
| metadata   | {}               |
| objects    | 0                |

List containers

To show the list of all the containers that belong to an account:

# openio container list

| Name          | Bytes   | Count |
| my_container1 |     317 |     3 |
| my_container2 |     524 |     7 |
| my_container3 |     171 |     1 |

Use multiple accounts

Specify in which account to execute actions by adding the --oio-account <account_name> parameter to your commands:

# openio container create my_container --oio-account my_account_2

| Name           | Created |
| my_container   | True    |

The account my_account_2 was automatically created.

# openio container list --oio-account my_account_2

| Name           | Bytes | Count |
| test_container |     0 |     0 |

You can also create manually an account:

# openio account create my_account_3


Create a container

# openio container create my_container

| Name         | Created |
| my_container | True    |

Information about container

Display information about this container.

# openio container show my_container

| Field          | Value                                                              |
| account        | my_account                                                         |
| base_name      | CB2D04216603B8274AB831F889EAA4B2656D1EBA45B658712D59C77DAC86E08A.1 |
| bytes_usage    | 14                                                                 |
| container      | my_container                                                       |
| ctime          | 1441105114                                                         |
| objects        | 1                                                                  |
| quota          | 102400                                                             |
| storage_policy | ERASURECODE                                                        |

You can override the storage policy for a given container on the fly:

# openio container create my_container2 --storage-policy=TWOCOPIES

Locate container

To find the services used by a given container:

# openio container locate my_container

| Field     | Value                                                              |
| account   | my_account                                                         |
| base_name | 23D6D41A55BDE4380C748B5BCDFB93085F9053F9786D4582EF0FA646286854F3.1 |
| meta0     |,,                  |
| meta1     |,,                  |
| meta2     |,,                  |
| name      | my_container                                                       |

Container properties

To set a property <key=value> to a given container:

# openio container set my_container --property color=blue

Properties can be displayed with container show:

# openio container show my_container

| Field           | Value                                                              |
| meta.color      | blue                                                               |

To delete a property:

# openio container unset my_container --property color

Delete container

# openio container delete my_container

Note: only empty containers can be deleted.

Request error: Container not empty (HTTP 409) (STATUS 438)

There are still objects in the container.

First, delete all objects stored in the container.

# openio object delete my_container folder_3_0 folder_2 folder_1 file2 file1 config2 config1

And finally delete the container.

# openio container delete my_container


Create an object

# echo 'Hello OpenIO!' > test.txt
# openio object create my_container test.txt

| Name     | Size | Hash                             |
| test.txt |   14 | 9EB03B6E836CEAE565BA79F76C821DDA |

You can override the storage policy for a given object on the fly:

# openio object create my_container test2.txt --policy=TWOCOPIES

List objects

# openio object list my_container

| Name     | Size | Hash                             |
| test.txt |   14 | 9EB03B6E836CEAE565BA79F76C821DDA |

Containers can hold a large number of objects so there are several methods to filter the results.

Here are the optional arguments which can be used:

  • --marker: Indicates where to start the listing from.
  • --end_marker: Indicates where to end the listing.
  • --prefix: If set, the listing only includes objects whose name begin with its value.
  • --delimiter: If set, excludes objects whose name contains its value. Only takes a single character. It can also be combined with the --prefix for advanced listings.
  • --limit: Indicates the maximum number of objects to return in the listing.

To illustrate these features, create these files and store them in a container

# touch folder_1 folder_2 folder_3_0 file1 file2 config1 config2
# openio object create my_container folder_1 folder_2 folder_3_0 file1 file2 config1 config2

To list all the objects:

# openio object list my_container

| Name       | Size | Hash                             |
| config1    |    0 | D41D8CD98F00B204E9800998ECF8427E |
| config2    |    0 | D41D8CD98F00B204E9800998ECF8427E |
| file1      |    0 | D41D8CD98F00B204E9800998ECF8427E |
| file2      |    0 | D41D8CD98F00B204E9800998ECF8427E |
| folder_1   |    0 | D41D8CD98F00B204E9800998ECF8427E |
| folder_2   |    0 | D41D8CD98F00B204E9800998ECF8427E |
| folder_3_0 |    0 | D41D8CD98F00B204E9800998ECF8427E |
| test.txt   |   14 | 9EB03B6E836CEAE565BA79F76C821DDA |

Try the filtering features.

This only outputs a maximum of three objects whose names are lexically greater than e:

# openio object list my_container --limit 3 --marker e

| Name     | Size | Hash                             |
| file1    |    0 | D41D8CD98F00B204E9800998ECF8427E |
| file2    |    0 | D41D8CD98F00B204E9800998ECF8427E |
| folder_1 |    0 | D41D8CD98F00B204E9800998ECF8427E |

This only outputs the objects whose names begin with file:

# openio object list my_container --prefix file

| Name  | Size | Hash                             |
| file1 |    0 | D41D8CD98F00B204E9800998ECF8427E |
| file2 |    0 | D41D8CD98F00B204E9800998ECF8427E |

This excludes all the objects whose names contain a _ character:

# openio object list my_container --delimiter _

| Name     | Size | Hash                             |
| config1  |    0 | D41D8CD98F00B204E9800998ECF8427E |
| config2  |    0 | D41D8CD98F00B204E9800998ECF8427E |
| file1    |    0 | D41D8CD98F00B204E9800998ECF8427E |
| file2    |    0 | D41D8CD98F00B204E9800998ECF8427E |
| test.txt |   14 | 9EB03B6E836CEAE565BA79F76C821DDA |

This collects all the objects whose names begin with folder_, and then excludes all those whose names contain a _ character after the prefix:

# openio object list my_container --prefix folder_ --delimiter _

| Name     | Size | Hash                             |
| folder_1 |    0 | D41D8CD98F00B204E9800998ECF8427E |
| folder_2 |    0 | D41D8CD98F00B204E9800998ECF8427E |

Note that this can be used to emulate a hierarchy with directories.

Save object

Saves the data stored in the given object to the --file destination:

# openio object save my_container test.txt --file /tmp/test.txt

If the destination file already exists, its content is deleted and replaced with this new one.

You can also save all the objects from a container to your working directory in a single command:

# mkdir test_folder && cd test_folder
# openio container save my_container
# ls

config1  config2  file1  file2  folder_1  folder_2  folder_3_0  test.txt

# cd .. && rm -rf test_folder

Information about object

Display the information about an object:

# openio object show my_container test.txt

| Field     | Value                            |
| account   | my_account                       |
| container | my_container                     |
| ctime     | 1441057689                       |
| hash      | 9EB03B6E836CEAE565BA79F76C821DDA |
| mime-type | octet/stream                     |
| object    | test.txt                         |
| policy    | none                             |
| size      | 14                               |

Locate object

To find the precise location of a given object:

# openio object locate my_container test.txt

| Pos | Id                                       | Size | Hash                             |
| 0   |[...]   |  14  | 1463508F28EDB4D6D5AE349B20E00409 |
| 0   |[...]   |  14  | 1463508F28EDB4D6D5AE349B20E00409 |
| 0   |[...]   |  14  | 1463508F28EDB4D6D5AE349B20E00409 |

Pos integer represents the position of the given chunk in the object. In case of replication, you can have multiple chunks at the same position (3 x replication mode in this example).

Id is the URL to access to the given chunk.

Size is the size of the given chunk.

Hash is the hash of the given chunk.

Object properties

To set a property <key=value> to a given object:

# openio object set my_container test.txt --property size=small

Properties can be displayed with object show:

# openio object show my_container test.txt

| Field     | Value                            |
| meta.size | small                            |

To delete a property:

# openio object unset my_container test.txt --property size

Delete objects

# openio object delete my_container test.txt

Cluster management

Show namespace configuration

To display the namespace configuration:

# openio cluster show

 | Field                      | Value                                                           |
 | namespace                  | OPENIO                                                          |
 | chunksize                  | 1048576                                                         |
 | storage_policy.EC          | NONE:EC                                                         |
 | storage_policy.SINGLE      | NONE:NONE                                                       |
 | storage_policy.THREECOPIES | rawx3:DUPONETHREE                                               |
 | data_security.DUPONETHREE  | plain/distance=1,nb_copy=3                                      |
 | data_security.EC           | ec/k=6,m=3,algo=liberasurecode_rs_vand,distance=1               |
 | storage_policy             | EC                                                              |

List services

To list running services in the namespace:

# openio cluster list

 | Type    | Id             | Volume               | Location | Slots | Up   | Score |
 | rawx    | | /data/OPENIO-rawx-1  | oio.vol1 | rawx  | True |    86 |
 | rawx    | | /data/OPENIO-rawx-2  | oio.vol2 | rawx  | True |    86 |
 | rawx    | | /data/OPENIO-rawx-3  | oio.vol3 | rawx  | True |    86 |
 | meta2   | | /data/OPENIO-meta2-1 | oio.vol1 | meta2 | True |    86 |
 | meta2   | | /data/OPENIO-meta2-2 | oio.vol2 | meta2 | True |    86 |
 | meta2   | | /data/OPENIO-meta2-3 | oio.vol3 | meta2 | True |    85 |
 | meta1   | | /data/OPENIO-meta1-1 | oio.vol1 | meta1 | True |    85 |
 | meta0   | | /data/OPENIO-meta0-1 | oio.vol1 | meta0 | True |    85 |

By default, cluster list displays all known services.

To list only specific types of services:

# openio cluster list rawx meta2

 | Type    | Id             | Volume               | Location | Slots | Up   | Score |
 | rawx    | | /data/OPENIO-rawx-1  | oio.vol1 | rawx  | True |    86 |
 | rawx    | | /data/OPENIO-rawx-2  | oio.vol2 | rawx  | True |    86 |
 | rawx    | | /data/OPENIO-rawx-3  | oio.vol3 | rawx  | True |    86 |
 | meta2   | | /data/OPENIO-meta2-1 | oio.vol1 | meta2 | True |    86 |
 | meta2   | | /data/OPENIO-meta2-2 | oio.vol2 | meta2 | True |    86 |
 | meta2   | | /data/OPENIO-meta2-3 | oio.vol3 | meta2 | True |    85 |

Local configuration

To display local namespace configuration:

# openio cluster local conf

 | Field              | Value                       |
 | OPENIO/conscience  |              |
 | OPENIO/zookeeper   |              |
 | OPENIO/proxy       |              |
 | OPENIO/ecd         |              |
 | OPENIO/event-agent | beanstalk:// |

Score management

The first time a service is discovered in the namespace, its score is locked at 0.

To unlock a new service:

# openio cluster unlock rawx

 | Type | Service        | Result   |
 | rawx | | unlocked |

To unlock all registered services:

# openio cluster unlockall

 | Type  | Service        | Result   |
 | meta2 | | unlocked |
 | meta2 | | unlocked |
 | meta2 | | unlocked |
 | rawx  | | unlocked |
 | rawx  | | unlocked |