oio.account package


oio.account.backend module

class oio.account.backend.AccountBackend(conf)[source]

Bases: oio.common.redis_conn.RedisConnection

buckets_pattern = <_sre.SRE_Pattern object at 0x1f414a0>
static ckey(account, name)[source]

Build the key of a container description

lua_flush_account = "\n local account_id = redis.call('HGET', KEYS[1], 'id');\n if not account_id then\n return redis.error_reply('no_account');\n end;\n\n redis.call('HMSET', KEYS[1], 'objects', 0, 'bytes', 0,\n 'damaged_objects', 0, 'missing_chunks', 0)\n\n local containers = redis.call('ZRANGE', KEYS[2], 0, -1);\n redis.call('DEL', KEYS[2]);\n\n for _,container in ipairs(containers) do\n redis.call('DEL', KEYS[3] .. container);\n end;\n "
lua_is_sup = '\n -- With lua float we are losing precision for this reason\n -- we keep the number as a string\n local is_sup = function(a,b)\n local int_a = string.match(a,"%d+")\n local int_b = string.match(b,"%d+")\n if string.len(int_a) > string.len(int_b) then\n return true;\n end;\n return a > b;\n end;\n '
lua_refresh_account = "\n local account_id = redis.call('HGET', KEYS[1], 'id');\n if not account_id then\n return redis.error_reply('no_account');\n end;\n\n local containers = redis.call('ZRANGE', KEYS[2], 0, -1);\n local container_key = ''\n local bytes_sum = 0;\n local objects_sum = 0;\n local damaged_objects_sum = 0;\n local missing_chunks_sum = 0;\n for _,container in ipairs(containers) do\n container_key = KEYS[3] .. container;\n objects_sum = objects_sum + redis.call('HGET', container_key,\n 'objects')\n bytes_sum = bytes_sum + redis.call('HGET', container_key, 'bytes')\n local damaged_objects = redis.call('HGET', container_key,\n 'damaged_objects')\n if damaged_objects == false then\n damaged_objects = 0\n end\n damaged_objects_sum = damaged_objects_sum + damaged_objects\n local missing_chunks = redis.call('HGET', container_key,\n 'missing_chunks')\n if missing_chunks == false then\n missing_chunks = 0\n end\n missing_chunks_sum = missing_chunks_sum + missing_chunks\n end;\n\n redis.call('HMSET', KEYS[1], 'objects', objects_sum,\n 'bytes', bytes_sum,\n 'damaged_objects', damaged_objects_sum,\n 'missing_chunks', missing_chunks_sum)\n "
lua_update_container = '\n -- With lua float we are losing precision for this reason\n -- we keep the number as a string\n local is_sup = function(a,b)\n local int_a = string.match(a,"%d+")\n local int_b = string.match(b,"%d+")\n if string.len(int_a) > string.len(int_b) then\n return true;\n end;\n return a > b;\n end;\n \n local account_id = redis.call(\'HGET\', KEYS[4], \'id\');\n if not account_id then\n if ARGV[8] == \'True\' then\n redis.call(\'HSET\', \'accounts:\', KEYS[1], 1);\n redis.call(\'HMSET\', KEYS[4], \'id\', KEYS[1],\n \'bytes\', 0, \'objects\', 0,\n \'damaged_objects\', 0, \'missing_chunks\', 0,\n \'ctime\', ARGV[9]);\n else\n return redis.error_reply(\'no_account\');\n end;\n end;\n\n if ARGV[11] == \'False\' then\n local container_name = redis.call(\'HGET\', KEYS[2], \'name\');\n if not container_name then\n return redis.error_reply(\'no_container\');\n end;\n end;\n\n local name = ARGV[1];\n local mtime = redis.call(\'HGET\', KEYS[2], \'mtime\');\n local dtime = redis.call(\'HGET\', KEYS[2], \'dtime\');\n local objects = redis.call(\'HGET\', KEYS[2], \'objects\');\n local bytes = redis.call(\'HGET\', KEYS[2], \'bytes\');\n local damaged_objects = redis.call(\'HGET\', KEYS[2],\n \'damaged_objects\');\n local missing_chunks = redis.call(\'HGET\', KEYS[2],\n \'missing_chunks\');\n\n -- When the keys do not exist redis return false and not nil\n if dtime == false then\n dtime = \'0\'\n end\n if mtime == false then\n mtime = \'0\'\n end\n if objects == false then\n objects = 0\n end\n if bytes == false then\n bytes = 0\n end\n if damaged_objects == false then\n damaged_objects = 0\n end\n if missing_chunks == false then\n missing_chunks = 0\n end\n\n if ARGV[11] == \'False\' and is_sup(dtime, mtime) then\n return redis.error_reply(\'no_container\');\n end;\n\n local old_mtime = mtime;\n local inc_objects;\n local inc_bytes;\n local inc_damaged_objects;\n local inc_missing_chunks;\n\n if not is_sup(ARGV[3],dtime) and not is_sup(ARGV[2],mtime) then\n return redis.error_reply(\'no_update_needed\');\n end;\n\n if is_sup(ARGV[2],mtime) then\n mtime = ARGV[2];\n end;\n\n if is_sup(ARGV[3],dtime) then\n dtime = ARGV[3];\n end;\n if is_sup(dtime,mtime) then\n inc_objects = -objects;\n inc_bytes = -bytes;\n inc_damaged_objects = -damaged_objects\n inc_missing_chunks = -missing_chunks;\n redis.call(\'HMSET\', KEYS[2],\n \'bytes\', 0, \'objects\', 0,\n \'damaged_objects\', 0, \'missing_chunks\', 0);\n redis.call(\'EXPIRE\', KEYS[2], tonumber(ARGV[10]));\n redis.call(\'ZREM\', KEYS[3], name);\n elseif is_sup(mtime,old_mtime) then\n redis.call(\'PERSIST\', KEYS[2]);\n inc_objects = tonumber(ARGV[4]) - objects\n inc_bytes = tonumber(ARGV[5]) - bytes\n inc_damaged_objects = tonumber(ARGV[6]) - damaged_objects\n inc_missing_chunks = tonumber(ARGV[7]) - missing_chunks\n redis.call(\'HMSET\', KEYS[2],\n \'objects\', tonumber(ARGV[4]),\n \'bytes\', tonumber(ARGV[5]),\n \'damaged_objects\', tonumber(ARGV[6]),\n \'missing_chunks\', tonumber(ARGV[7]));\n redis.call(\'ZADD\', KEYS[3], \'0\', name);\n else\n return redis.error_reply(\'no_update_needed\');\n end;\n\n redis.call(\'HMSET\', KEYS[2], \'mtime\', mtime,\n \'dtime\', dtime, \'name\', name)\n if inc_objects ~= 0 then\n redis.call(\'HINCRBY\', KEYS[4], \'objects\', inc_objects);\n end;\n if inc_bytes ~= 0 then\n redis.call(\'HINCRBY\', KEYS[4], \'bytes\', inc_bytes);\n end;\n if inc_damaged_objects ~= 0 then\n redis.call(\'HINCRBY\', KEYS[4], \'damaged_objects\',\n inc_damaged_objects);\n end;\n if inc_missing_chunks ~= 0 then\n redis.call(\'HINCRBY\', KEYS[4], \'missing_chunks\',\n inc_missing_chunks);\n end;\n '

oio.account.client module

class oio.account.client.AccountClient(conf, endpoint=None, proxy_endpoint=None, refresh_delay=3600.0, logger=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: oio.api.base.HttpApi

Simple client API for the account service.

account_create(account, **kwargs)[source]

Create an account.

Parameters:account (str) – name of the account to create
Returns:True if the account has been created
account_delete(account, **kwargs)[source]

Delete an account.

Parameters:account (str) – name of the account to delete
account_flush(account, **kwargs)[source]

Flush all containers of an account

Parameters:account (str) – name of the account to flush

List accounts.

account_refresh(account, **kwargs)[source]

Refresh counters of an account

Parameters:account (str) – name of the account to refresh
account_request(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Make a request to the account service.

account_show(account, **kwargs)[source]

Get information about an account.

account_update(account, metadata, to_delete, **kwargs)[source]

Update metadata of the specified account.

  • metadata (dict) – dictionary of properties that must be set or updated.
  • to_delete (list) – list of property keys that must be removed.
container_list(account, limit=None, marker=None, end_marker=None, prefix=None, delimiter=None, s3_buckets_only=False, **kwargs)[source]

Get the list of containers of an account.

  • account (str) – account from which to get the container list
  • limit (int) – maximum number of results to return
  • marker (str) – name of the container from where to start the listing
  • end_marker
  • prefix
  • delimiter
  • s3_buckets_only (bool) – list only S3 buckets.
Return type:

dict with ‘ctime’ (float), ‘bytes’ (int), ‘objects’ (int), ‘containers’ (int), ‘id’ (str), ‘metadata’ (dict) and ‘listing’ (list). ‘listing’ contains lists of container metadata (name, number of objects, number of bytes, whether it is a prefix, and modification time).

container_reset(account, container, mtime, **kwargs)[source]

Reset container of an account

  • account (str) – name of the account
  • container (str) – name of the container to reset
  • mtime – time of the modification
container_update(account, container, metadata=None, **kwargs)[source]

Update account with container-related metadata.

  • account (str) – name of the account to update
  • container (str) – name of the container whose metadata has changed
  • metadata – container metadata (“bytes”, “objects”,

“mtime”, “dtime”) :type metadata: dict

oio.account.rebuilder module

class oio.account.rebuilder.AccountRebuilder(conf, accounts=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: oio.common.tool.Tool

Rebuild the account services.

create_worker(queue_workers, queue_reply)[source]

Create worker to process the items.


Start processing all found items.

static string_from_item(item)[source]
class oio.account.rebuilder.AccountRebuilderWorker(tool, queue_workers, queue_reply)[source]

Bases: oio.common.tool.ToolWorker

oio.account.server module

class oio.account.server.Account(conf, backend, logger=None)[source]

Bases: oio.common.wsgi.WerkzeugApp

on_account_containers(req, *args, **kwargs)[source]
on_account_create(req, *args, **kwargs)[source]
on_account_delete(req, *args, **kwargs)[source]
on_account_flush(req, *args, **kwargs)[source]
on_account_list(req, *args, **kwargs)[source]
on_account_refresh(req, *args, **kwargs)[source]
on_account_show(req, *args, **kwargs)[source]
oio.account.server.create_app(conf, **kwargs)[source]

Module contents