oio package


Module contents

OpenIO SDS Python API.

Basic object storage example:

>>> from oio import ObjectStorageApi
>>> api = ObjectStorageApi(namespace="OPENIO")
>>> api.object_create("myaccount", "mycontainer", "/etc/magic")
([{u'url': u'',
   u'score': 65,
   u'hash': '8de4989188593b0419d387099c9e9872',
   u'pos': '0',
   u'size': 113}],
class oio.ObjectStorageApi(namespace, logger=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: object

The Object Storage API.

High level API that wraps AccountClient, ContainerClient and DirectoryClient classes.

Every method that takes a kwargs argument accepts the at least the following keywords:

  • headers: dict of extra headers to pass to the proxy
  • connection_timeout: float
  • read_timeout: float
  • write_timeout: float
EXTRA_KEYWORDS = ('chunk_checksum_algo', 'autocreate')
TIMEOUT_KEYS = ('connection_timeout', 'read_timeout', 'write_timeout')

Create an account.

Parameters:account (str) – name of the account to create
Returns:True if the account has been created
account_del_properties(account=None, *args, **kwargs)[source]
account_delete(account=None, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Delete an account.

Parameters:account (str) – name of the account to delete
account_flush(account=None, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Flush all containers of an account

Parameters:account (str) – name of the account to flush

List known accounts.

Notice that account creation is asynchronous, and an autocreated account may appear in the listing only after several seconds.

account_refresh(account=None, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Refresh counters of an account.

Parameters:account (str) – name of the account to refresh, or None to refresh all accounts (slow)
account_set_properties(account=None, *args, **kwargs)[source]
account_show(account=None, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Get information about an account.

account_update(account=None, *args, **kwargs)[source]
Deprecated:call account_refresh(None) instead

A low-level client to rawx services.

Return type:oio.blob.client.BlobClient

Create a container.

  • account (str) – account in which to create the container
  • container (str) – name of the container
  • properties (dict) – properties to set on the container

True if the container has been created, False if it already exists


Create Many containers

  • account (str) – account in which to create the containers
  • containers (list) – names of the containers
  • properties (dict) – properties to set on the containers
container_del_properties(account, container, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Delete properties of a container.

  • account (str) – name of the account
  • container (str) – name of the container to deal with
  • properties (list) – a list of property keys
container_delete(account, container, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Delete a container.

  • account (str) – account from which to delete the container
  • container (str) – name of the container
container_flush(account, container, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Flush a container

  • account (str) – account from which to delete the container
  • container (str) – name of the container
  • fast (bool) – flush container quickly, may put high pressure on the event system
container_get_properties(account, container, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Get information about a container (user and system properties).

  • account (str) – account in which the container is
  • container (str) – name of the container
  • propertiesignored

a dict with “properties” and “system” entries, containing respectively a dict of user properties and a dict of system properties.

container_list(account=None, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Get the list of containers of an account.

  • account (str) – account from which to get the container list
  • limit (int) – maximum number of results to return
  • marker (str) – name of the container from where to start the listing
  • end_marker
  • prefix
  • delimiter

the list of containers of an account

Return type:

list of items (list) with 5 fields: name, number of objects, number of bytes, 1 if the item is a prefix or 0 if the item is actually a container, and modification time.

container_purge(account, container, *args, **kwargs)[source]
container_refresh(account, container, *args, **kwargs)[source]
container_set_properties(account, container, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Set properties on a container.

  • account (str) – name of the account
  • container (str) – name of the container where to set properties
  • properties (dict) – a dictionary of properties
  • clear (bool) –
  • system – dictionary of system properties to set
container_show(account, container, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Get information about a container (user properties).

  • account (str) – account in which the container is
  • container (str) – name of the container

a dict with “properties” containing a dict of user properties.

container_snapshot(account, container, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Create a copy of the container (only the content of the database)

  • account (str) – account in which the target is
  • container (str) – name of the target
  • dst_account (str) – account in which the snapshot will be.
  • dst_container (str) – name of the snapshot
container_touch(account, container, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Trigger a notification about the container state.

  • account (str) – account from which to delete the container
  • container (str) – name of the container
container_update(account, container, metadata, clear=False, **kwargs)[source]
Deprecated:use container_set_properties
object_analyze(*args, **kwargs)[source]
Deprecated:use object_locate
object_create(account, container, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Create an object or append data to object in container of account with data taken from either data (str or generator) or file_or_path (path to a file or file-like object). The object will be named after obj_name if specified, or after the base name of file_or_path.

  • account (str) – name of the account where to create the object
  • container (str) – name of the container where to create the object
  • file_or_path (str or file-like object) – file-like object or path to a file from which to read object data
  • data (str or generator) – object data (if file_or_path is not set)
  • etag (str) – entity tag of the object
  • obj_name – name of the object to create. If not set, will use the base name of file_or_path.
  • mime_type (str) – MIME type of the object
  • properties (dict) – a dictionary of properties
  • policy (str) – name of the storage policy
  • key_file
  • append (bool) – if set, data will be append to existing object (or object will be created if unset)
  • autocreate – if set to false, autocreation of container will be

disabled :type autocreate: bool

  • perfdata – optional dict that will be filled with metrics of time spent to resolve the meta2 address, to do the meta2 requests, and to upload chunks to rawx services.
  • deadline (float seconds) – deadline for the request, in monotonic time (oio.common.utils.monotonic_time). This supersedes timeout or read_timeout keyword arguments.

list of chunks, size and hash of the what has been uploaded

object_del_properties(account, container, obj, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Delete some properties from an object.

Parameters:properties (list) – list of property keys to delete
Returns:True if the property has been deleted (or was missing)
object_delete(account, container, obj, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Delete an object from a container. If versioning is enabled and no version is specified, the object will be marked as deleted but not actually deleted.

  • account (str) – name of the account the object belongs to
  • container (str) – name of the container the object belongs to
  • obj – name of the object to delete
  • version – version of the object to delete

True on success


Delete several objects.

Parameters:objs – an iterable of object names (should not be a generator)
Returns:a list of tuples with the name of the object and a boolean telling if the object has been successfully deleted
Return type:list of tuple

Remove all the chunks of a content, but keep all the metadata.

  • account (str) – name of the account where the object is present
  • container (str) – name of the container where the object is present
  • obj – name of the object to drain
object_fastcopy(*args, **kwargs)[source]
Deprecated:use object_link.
object_fetch(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Download an object.

  • account – name of the account in which the object is stored
  • container – name of the container in which the object is stored
  • obj – name of the object to fetch
  • version (str) – version of the object to fetch
  • ranges (list of tuple) – a list of object ranges to download
  • key_file – path to the file containing credentials
  • properties (bool) – should the request return object properties along with content description (True by default)
  • perfdata – optional dict that will be filled with metrics of time spent to resolve the meta2 address, to do the meta2 request, and the time-to-first-byte, as seen by this API.

a dictionary of object metadata and a stream of object data

Return type:


object_get_properties(account, container, obj, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Get the description of an object along with its user properties.

  • account – name of the account in which the object is stored
  • container – name of the container in which the object is stored
  • obj – name of the object to query

a dict describing the object

{‘hash’: ‘6BF60C17CC15EEA108024903B481738F’,

‘ctime’: ‘1481031763’, ‘deleted’: ‘False’, ‘properties’: {

u’projet’: u’OpenIO-SDS’},

‘length’: ‘43518’, ‘hash_method’: ‘md5’, ‘chunk_method’: ‘ec/algo=liberasurecode_rs_vand,k=6,m=3’, ‘version’: ‘1481031762951972’, ‘policy’: ‘EC’, ‘id’: ‘20BF2194FD420500CD4729AE0B5CBC07’, ‘mime_type’: ‘application/octet-stream’, ‘name’: ‘Makefile’}

object_head(account, container, obj, trust_level=0, **kwargs)[source]

Check for the presence of an object in a container.

Parameters:trust_level (int) – 0: do not check chunks; 1: check if there are enough chunks to read the object; 2: check if all chunks are present.

Make a shallow copy of an object. Works across accounts and across containers.

object_list(account, container, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Lists objects inside a container.

  • properties – if True, list object properties along with objects
  • versions – if True, list all versions of objects
  • deleted – if True, list also the deleted objects

a dict which contains * ‘objects’: the list of object descriptions * ‘prefixes’: common prefixes (only if delimiter and prefix are set) * ‘properties’: a dict of container properties * ‘system’: a dict of system metadata * ‘truncated’: a bool telling if the listing was truncated * ‘next_marker’: a str to be used as marker to get the next

page of results (in case the listing was truncated)

object_locate(account, container, obj, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Get a description of the object along with the list of its chunks.

  • account – name of the account in which the object is stored
  • container – name of the container in which the object is stored
  • obj – name of the object to query
  • version – version of the object to query
  • chunk_info – if True, fetch additional information about chunks from rawx services (slow). The second element of the returned tuple becomes a generator (instead of a list).
  • properties (bool) – should the request return object properties along with content description

a tuple with object metadata dict as first element and chunk list as second element

object_set_properties(account, container, obj, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Set properties on an object.

  • account – name of the account in which the object is stored
  • container – name of the container in which the object is stored
  • obj – name of the object to query
  • properties – dictionary of properties
object_show(account, container, obj, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Get the description of an object along with the dictionary of user-set properties.

Deprecated:prefer using object_get_properties, for consistency with container_get_properties.

Trigger a notification about an object (as if it just had been created).

  • account (str) – name of the account where to create the object
  • container (str) – name of the container where to create the object
  • obj – name of the object to touch
object_truncate(account, container, obj, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Truncate object at specified size. Only shrink is supported. A download may occur if size is not on chunk boundaries.

  • account – name of the account in which the object is stored
  • container – name of the container in which the object is stored
  • obj – name of the object to query
  • version – version of the object to query
  • size – new size of object
object_update(account, container, obj, metadata, version=None, clear=False, **kwargs)[source]
Deprecated:use object_set_properties