Source code for oio.crawler.integrity

# Copyright (C) 2015-2017 OpenIO SAS, as part of OpenIO SDS
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

Recursively check account, container, content and chunk integrity.

from __future__ import print_function
import os
import csv
import sys
import cStringIO
import argparse

from eventlet.event import Event
from eventlet.greenpool import GreenPool

from oio.common import exceptions as exc
from oio.common.storage_method import STORAGE_METHODS
from oio.account.client import AccountClient
from oio.container.client import ContainerClient
from oio.blob.client import BlobClient
from oio.api.object_storage import _sort_chunks

[docs]class Target(object): def __init__(self, account, container=None, obj=None, chunk=None): self.account = account self.container = container self.obj = obj self.chunk = chunk
[docs] def copy(self): return Target( self.account, self.container, self.obj, self.chunk)
def __repr__(self): s = "account=" + self.account if self.container: s += ', container=' + self.container if self.obj: s += ', obj=' + self.obj if self.chunk: s += ', chunk=' + self.chunk return s
[docs]class Checker(object): def __init__(self, namespace, concurrency=50, error_file=None, rebuild_file=None, full=True, limit_listings=0, request_attempts=1): self.pool = GreenPool(concurrency) self.error_file = error_file self.full = bool(full) # Optimisation for when we are only checking one object # or one container. # 0 -> do not limit # 1 -> limit account listings (list of containers) # 2 -> limit container listings (list of objects) self.limit_listings = limit_listings if self.error_file: f = open(self.error_file, 'a') self.error_writer = csv.writer(f, delimiter=' ') self.rebuild_file = rebuild_file if self.rebuild_file: fd = open(self.rebuild_file, 'a') self.rebuild_writer = csv.writer(fd, delimiter='|') conf = {'namespace': namespace} self.account_client = AccountClient( conf, max_retries=request_attempts - 1) self.container_client = ContainerClient( conf, max_retries=request_attempts - 1, request_attempts=request_attempts) self.blob_client = BlobClient(conf=conf) self.accounts_checked = 0 self.containers_checked = 0 self.objects_checked = 0 self.chunks_checked = 0 self.account_not_found = 0 self.container_not_found = 0 self.object_not_found = 0 self.chunk_not_found = 0 self.account_exceptions = 0 self.container_exceptions = 0 self.object_exceptions = 0 self.chunk_exceptions = 0 self.list_cache = {} self.running = {}
[docs] def write_error(self, target): error = [target.account] if target.container: error.append(target.container) if target.obj: error.append(target.obj) if target.chunk: error.append(target.chunk) self.error_writer.writerow(error)
[docs] def write_rebuilder_input(self, target, obj_meta, ct_meta): try: cid = ct_meta['system'][''].split('.', 1)[0] except KeyError: cid = ct_meta['properties'][''].split('.', 1)[0] self.rebuild_writer.writerow((cid, obj_meta['id'], target.chunk))
[docs] def write_chunk_error(self, target, obj_meta, chunk=None): if chunk is not None: target = target.copy() target.chunk = chunk if self.error_file: self.write_error(target) if self.rebuild_file: self.write_rebuilder_input( target, obj_meta, self.list_cache[(target.account, target.container)][1])
def _check_chunk_xattr(self, target, obj_meta, xattr_meta): error = False # Composed position -> erasure coding attr_prefix = 'meta' if '.' in obj_meta['pos'] else '' attr_key = attr_prefix + 'chunk_size' if str(obj_meta['size']) != xattr_meta.get(attr_key): print(" Chunk %s '%s' xattr (%s) " "differs from size in meta2 (%s)" % (target, attr_key, xattr_meta.get(attr_key), obj_meta['size'])) error = True attr_key = attr_prefix + 'chunk_hash' if obj_meta['hash'] != xattr_meta.get(attr_key): print(" Chunk %s '%s' xattr (%s) " "differs from hash in meta2 (%s)" % (target, attr_key, xattr_meta.get(attr_key), obj_meta['hash'])) error = True return error
[docs] def check_chunk(self, target): chunk = target.chunk obj_listing, obj_meta = self.check_obj(target) error = False if chunk not in obj_listing: print(' Chunk %s missing from object listing' % target) error = True db_meta = dict() else: db_meta = obj_listing[chunk] try: xattr_meta = self.blob_client.chunk_head(chunk, xattr=self.full) except exc.NotFound as e: self.chunk_not_found += 1 error = True print(' Not found chunk "%s": %s' % (target, str(e))) except Exception as e: self.chunk_exceptions += 1 error = True print(' Exception chunk "%s": %s' % (target, str(e))) else: if db_meta and self.full: error = self._check_chunk_xattr(target, db_meta, xattr_meta) if error: self.write_chunk_error(target, obj_meta) self.chunks_checked += 1
[docs] def check_obj_policy(self, target, obj_meta, chunks): """ Check that the list of chunks of an object matches the object's storage policy. """ stg_met = STORAGE_METHODS.load(obj_meta['chunk_method']) chunks_by_pos = _sort_chunks(chunks, if required = stg_met.ec_nb_data + stg_met.ec_nb_parity else: required = stg_met.nb_copy for pos, clist in chunks_by_pos.iteritems(): if len(clist) < required: print(' Missing %d chunks at position %s of %s' % ( required - len(clist), pos, target)) if subs = {x['num'] for x in clist} for sub in range(required): if sub not in subs: self.write_chunk_error(target, obj_meta, '%d.%d' % (pos, sub)) else: self.write_chunk_error(target, obj_meta, str(pos))
[docs] def check_obj(self, target, recurse=False): account = target.account container = target.container obj = target.obj if (account, container, obj) in self.running: self.running[(account, container, obj)].wait() if (account, container, obj) in self.list_cache: return self.list_cache[(account, container, obj)] self.running[(account, container, obj)] = Event() print('Checking object "%s"' % target) container_listing, ct_meta = self.check_container(target) error = False if obj not in container_listing: print(' Object %s missing from container listing' % target) error = True # checksum = None else: # TODO check checksum match # checksum = container_listing[obj]['hash'] pass results = [] meta = dict() try: meta, results = self.container_client.content_locate( account=account, reference=container, path=obj, properties=False) except exc.NotFound as e: self.object_not_found += 1 error = True print(' Not found object "%s": %s' % (target, str(e))) except Exception as e: self.object_exceptions += 1 error = True print(' Exception object "%s": %s' % (target, str(e))) chunk_listing = dict() for chunk in results: chunk_listing[chunk['url']] = chunk # Skip the check if we could not locate the object if meta: self.check_obj_policy(target.copy(), meta, results) self.list_cache[(account, container, obj)] = (chunk_listing, meta) self.objects_checked += 1 self.running[(account, container, obj)].send(True) del self.running[(account, container, obj)] if recurse: for chunk in chunk_listing: t = target.copy() t.chunk = chunk self.pool.spawn_n(self.check_chunk, t) if error and self.error_file: self.write_error(target) return chunk_listing, meta
[docs] def check_container(self, target, recurse=False): account = target.account container = target.container if (account, container) in self.running: self.running[(account, container)].wait() if (account, container) in self.list_cache: return self.list_cache[(account, container)] self.running[(account, container)] = Event() print('Checking container "%s"' % target) account_listing = self.check_account(target) error = False if container not in account_listing: error = True print(' Container %s missing from account listing' % target) marker = None results = [] ct_meta = dict() extra_args = dict() if self.limit_listings > 1 and target.obj: # When we are explicitly checking one object, start the listing # where this object is supposed to be, and list only one object. extra_args['prefix'] = target.obj extra_args['limit'] = 1 while True: try: _, resp = self.container_client.content_list( account=account, reference=container, marker=marker, **extra_args) except exc.NotFound as e: self.container_not_found += 1 error = True print(' Not found container "%s": %s' % (target, str(e))) break except Exception as e: self.container_exceptions += 1 error = True print(' Exception container "%s": %s' % (target, str(e))) break if resp['objects']: marker = resp['objects'][-1]['name'] results.extend(resp['objects']) if self.limit_listings > 1: break else: ct_meta = resp ct_meta.pop('objects') break container_listing = dict() for obj in results: container_listing[obj['name']] = obj if self.limit_listings <= 1: # We just listed the whole container, keep the result in a cache self.containers_checked += 1 self.list_cache[(account, container)] = container_listing, ct_meta self.running[(account, container)].send(True) del self.running[(account, container)] if recurse: for obj in container_listing: t = target.copy() t.obj = obj self.pool.spawn_n(self.check_obj, t, True) if error and self.error_file: self.write_error(target) return container_listing, ct_meta
[docs] def check_account(self, target, recurse=False): account = target.account if account in self.running: self.running[account].wait() if account in self.list_cache: return self.list_cache[account] self.running[account] = Event() print('Checking account "%s"' % target) error = False marker = None results = [] extra_args = dict() if self.limit_listings > 0 and target.container: # When we are explicitly checking one container, start the listing # where this container is supposed to be, and list only one # container. extra_args['prefix'] = target.container extra_args['limit'] = 1 while True: try: resp = self.account_client.container_list( account, marker=marker, **extra_args) except Exception as e: self.account_exceptions += 1 error = True print(' Exception account "%s": %s' % (target, str(e))) break if resp['listing']: marker = resp['listing'][-1][0] results.extend(resp['listing']) if self.limit_listings > 0: break else: break containers = dict() for e in results: containers[e[0]] = (e[1], e[2]) if self.limit_listings <= 0: # We just listed the whole account, keep the result in a cache self.accounts_checked += 1 self.list_cache[account] = containers self.running[account].send(True) del self.running[account] if recurse: for container in containers: t = target.copy() t.container = container self.pool.spawn_n(self.check_container, t, True) if error and self.error_file: self.write_error(target) return containers
[docs] def check(self, target): if target.chunk and target.obj and target.container: self.pool.spawn_n(self.check_chunk, target) elif target.obj and target.container: self.pool.spawn_n(self.check_obj, target, True) elif target.container: self.pool.spawn_n(self.check_container, target, True) else: self.pool.spawn_n(self.check_account, target, True)
[docs] def wait(self): self.pool.waitall()
[docs] def report(self): success = True def _report_stat(name, stat): print("{0:18}: {1}".format(name, stat)) print() print('Report') _report_stat("Accounts checked", self.accounts_checked) if self.account_not_found: success = False _report_stat("Missing accounts", self.account_not_found) if self.account_exceptions: success = False _report_stat("Exceptions", self.account_exceptions) print() _report_stat("Containers checked", self.containers_checked) if self.container_not_found: success = False _report_stat("Missing containers", self.container_not_found) if self.container_exceptions: success = False _report_stat("Exceptions", self.container_exceptions) print() _report_stat("Objects checked", self.objects_checked) if self.object_not_found: success = False _report_stat("Missing objects", self.object_not_found) if self.object_exceptions: success = False _report_stat("Exceptions", self.object_exceptions) print() _report_stat("Chunks checked", self.chunks_checked) if self.chunk_not_found: success = False _report_stat("Missing chunks", self.chunk_not_found) if self.chunk_exceptions: success = False _report_stat("Exceptions", self.chunk_exceptions) return success
[docs]def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__) parser.add_argument('namespace', help='Namespace name') parser.add_argument( 'account', nargs='?', help="Account (optional if reading from stdin)") t_help = "Element whose integrity should be checked. " \ "Can be empty (check the whole account), " \ "CONTAINER (check all objects of the container), " \ "CONTAINER CONTENT (check all chunks of the object) " \ "or CONTAINER CONTENT CHUNK (check only one chunk). " \ "When reading from stdin, expect one element per line " \ "(starting with account)." parser.add_argument('target', metavar='T', nargs='*', help=t_help) parser.add_argument('-o', '--output', help=('Output file. Will contain elements in error. ' 'Can later be passed to stdin to re-check only ' 'these elements.')) parser.add_argument('--output-for-blob-rebuilder', help="Write chunk errors in a file with a format " + "suitable as oio-blob-rebuilder input.") parser.add_argument('-p', '--presence', action='store_true', default=False, help="Presence check, the xattr check is skipped.") parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', help='verbose output') parser.add_argument('--concurrency', '--workers', type=int, default=50, help='Number of concurrent checks (default: 50).') parser.add_argument('--attempts', type=int, default=1, help=('Number of attempts for ' 'listing requests (default: 1).')) args = parser.parse_args() if args.attempts < 1: raise ValueError('attempts must be at least 1') if not os.isatty(sys.stdin.fileno()): source = sys.stdin limit_listings = 0 # do full listings, cache the results else: if not args.account: raise ValueError('missing account argument') source = cStringIO.StringIO(' '.join([args.account] + limit_listings = len( checker = Checker( args.namespace, error_file=args.output, concurrency=args.concurrency, rebuild_file=args.output_for_blob_rebuilder, full=not args.presence, limit_listings=limit_listings, request_attempts=args.attempts, ) args = csv.reader(source, delimiter=' ') for entry in args: checker.check(Target(*entry)) checker.wait() if not sys.exit(1)