Source code for oio.container.backup

#!/usr/bin/env python

# Copyright (C) 2015-2017 OpenIO SAS, as part of OpenIO SDS
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

from __future__ import print_function
    import simplejson as json
except ImportError:
    import json  # noqa

from collections import OrderedDict
import math
import re
import os
import pickle
from tarfile import TarInfo, REGTYPE, NUL, PAX_FORMAT, BLOCKSIZE, XHDTYPE, \
                    DIRTYPE, AREGTYPE, InvalidHeaderError

from md5py import MD5

from redis import ConnectionError
from werkzeug.wrappers import Response
from werkzeug.routing import Map, Rule
from werkzeug.exceptions import BadRequest, RequestedRangeNotSatisfiable, \
    Conflict, UnprocessableEntity, ServiceUnavailable

from werkzeug.wsgi import wrap_file

from oio.api.object_storage import ObjectStorageApi, _sort_chunks
from oio.common import exceptions as exc
from oio.common.configuration import read_conf
from oio.common.logger import get_logger
from oio.common.wsgi import WerkzeugApp
from oio.common.redis_conn import RedisConn
from oio.common.storage_method import STORAGE_METHODS

RANGE_RE = re.compile(r"^bytes=(\d+)-(\d+)$")

# links:

NS = os.getenv("OIO_NS")
CONTAINER_PROPERTIES = ".__oio_container_properties"
CONTAINER_MANIFEST = ".__oio_container_manifest"
SCHILY = "SCHILY.xattr.user."
SLO = 'x-static-large-object'
SLO_SIZE = 'x-object-sysmeta-slo-size'
SLO_ETAG = 'x-object-sysmeta-slo-etag'

[docs]class OioTarEntry(object): def __init__(self, conn, account, container, name, data=None): self._slo = None self._buf = None self.acct = account self.ref = container = name self._filesize = 0 # contains MD5 of single object or list of chunks self._checksums = None self.compute(conn, data)
[docs] def compute(self, conn, data=None): tarinfo = TarInfo() = tarinfo.mod = 0o700 tarinfo.uid = 0 tarinfo.gid = 0 tarinfo.type = REGTYPE tarinfo.linkname = "" if == CONTAINER_PROPERTIES: meta = data or conn.container_get_properties(self.acct, self.ref) tarinfo.size = len(json.dumps(meta['properties'], sort_keys=True)) self._filesize = tarinfo.size self._buf = tarinfo.tobuf(format=PAX_FORMAT) return elif == CONTAINER_MANIFEST: tarinfo.size = len(json.dumps(data, sort_keys=True)) self._filesize = tarinfo.size self._buf = tarinfo.tobuf(format=PAX_FORMAT) return entry = conn.object_get_properties(self.acct, self.ref, properties = entry['properties'] # x-static-large-object if properties.get(SLO, False): tarinfo.size = int(properties.get(SLO_SIZE)) _, slo = conn.object_fetch(self.acct, self.ref,, properties=False) self._slo = json.loads("".join(slo), object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict) self._checksums = {} # format MD5 to share same format as multi chunks object offset = 0 for idx, ck in enumerate(self._slo): self._checksums[idx] = { 'hash': ck['hash'].upper(), 'size': ck['bytes'], 'offset': offset } offset += ck['bytes'] else: tarinfo.size = int(entry['length']) meta, chunks = conn.object_locate(self.acct, self.ref,, properties=False) storage_method = STORAGE_METHODS.load(meta['chunk_method']) chunks = _sort_chunks(chunks, for idx in chunks: chunks[idx] = chunks[idx][0] del chunks[idx]['url'] del chunks[idx]['score'] del chunks[idx]['pos'] self._checksums = chunks self._filesize = tarinfo.size # XATTR # do we have to store basic properties like policy, ... ? for key, val in properties.items(): assert isinstance(val, basestring), \ "Invalid type for %s:%s:%s" % (self.acct,, key) if self.slo and key in SLO_HEADERS: continue tarinfo.pax_headers[SCHILY + key] = val tarinfo.pax_headers['mime_type'] = entry['mime_type'] self._buf = tarinfo.tobuf(format=PAX_FORMAT)
@property def filesize(self): return self._filesize @property def slo(self): return self._slo @property def header_blocks(self): """Number of tar blocks required to store the entry header""" assert self._buf return len(self._buf) / BLOCKSIZE @property def data_blocks(self): """Number of tar blocks required to store the entry data""" return ((self.filesize - 1) / BLOCKSIZE) + 1 @property def buf(self): return self._buf @property def checksums(self): return self._checksums
[docs]class LimitedStream(object): """ Wrap a stream to read no more than size bytes from input stream. Also verify checksums. """ def __init__(self, stream, size, entry=None, offset=0): = stream self.max_size = size self.pos = 0 self.entry = entry self.chk = None if entry: self.chk = entry.get('checksums') self.offset = offset self.md5 = None self.current_chunk = None self._find_chunk_for_current_offset() self.invalid_checksum = False def _find_chunk_for_current_offset(self): if not self.chk: self.current_chunk = None return for idx, item in self.chk.items(): val = item if (self.offset >= val['offset'] and self.offset < val['offset'] + val['size']): self.current_chunk = val if val['offset'] == self.offset: self.md5 = MD5() else: self.md5 = pickle.loads(val['md5']) self.current_chunk_idx = idx return if self.offset < self.entry['size']: raise Exception("No chunk found for current offset") def _current_chunk_end(self): return self.current_chunk['offset'] + self.current_chunk['size'] def _read_eof(self): """Reset the current chunk and return an empty data block.""" # save MD5 internal status in current_chunk if self.current_chunk: self.current_chunk['md5'] = pickle.dumps(self.md5) self.md5 = None self.current_chunk = None return "" def _update_checksum(self, data): """Update and verify the checksum of the current chunk.""" while self.offset + len(data) >= self._current_chunk_end(): # We read past the current chunk end. We must only do a partial # update of the checksum in order to verify it. remaining = (self._current_chunk_end() - self.offset) self.md5.update(data[0:remaining]) if self.md5.hexdigest().upper() != self.current_chunk['hash']: self.invalid_checksum = True raise IOError("Chunk has invalid checksum, aborting") self.current_chunk['verified'] = True # align offset on chunk boundary self.offset += remaining self._find_chunk_for_current_offset() data = data[remaining:] if len(data) == 0: break self.offset += len(data) self.md5.update(data)
[docs] def read(self, size=-1): if self.pos >= self.max_size: return self._read_eof() if size < 0: size = 1024 * 1024 * 10 size = min(size, self.max_size - self.pos) data = self.pos += len(data) if self.current_chunk: self._update_checksum(data) return data
[docs]class ContainerTarFile(object): """ Expose a File Object API to be used with wrap_file """ def __init__(self, storage_api, account, container, range_, oio_map, logger): self.acct = account self.container = container self.range_ = range_ self.oio_map = oio_map self.manifest = oio_map[:] = storage_api self.logger = logger if len(range_) != 2: self.logger.warn('no valid ranges provided for %s %s', account, container) def __iter__(self): return self
[docs] def next(self): data = if data == "": raise StopIteration return data
# FIXME: create_tar_oio_XXX functions should be merged
[docs] def create_tar_oio_stream(self, entry, range_): """Extract data from entry from object""" mem = "" name = entry['name'] if range_[0] < entry['hdr_blocks']: tar = OioTarEntry(, self.acct, self.container, name) for bl in xrange(entry['hdr_blocks']): if bl >= range_[0] and bl <= range_[1]: mem += tar.buf[bl * BLOCKSIZE:bl * BLOCKSIZE + BLOCKSIZE] range_ = (entry['hdr_blocks'], range_[1]) if range_[0] > range_[1]: return mem # for sanity, shift ranges range_ = (range_[0] - entry['hdr_blocks'], range_[1] - entry['hdr_blocks']) # compute needed padding data nb_blocks, remainder = divmod(entry['size'], BLOCKSIZE) start = range_[0] * BLOCKSIZE last = False if remainder > 0 and nb_blocks == range_[1]: last = True end = entry['size'] - 1 else: end = range_[1] * BLOCKSIZE + BLOCKSIZE - 1 if entry['slo']: # we have now to compute which block(s) we need to read slo_start = 0 for part in entry['slo']: if start > part['bytes']: start -= part['bytes'] end -= part['bytes'] continue slo_end = min(end, part['bytes']) slo_start = start cnt, path = part['name'].strip('/').split('/', 1) _, data = self.acct, cnt, path, ranges=[(slo_start, slo_end)], properties=False) mem += "".join(data) start = max(0, start - part['bytes']) end -= part['bytes'] if end <= 0: break else: _, data = self.acct, self.container, name, ranges=[(start, end)], properties=False) mem += "".join(data) if last: mem += NUL * (BLOCKSIZE - remainder) if not mem: self.logger.error("no data extracted") if divmod(len(mem), BLOCKSIZE)[1]: self.logger.error("data written does not match blocksize") return mem
[docs] def create_tar_oio_properties(self, entry, range_, name): """ Extract data from fake object for :name: CONTAINER_PROPERTIES: contains properties of container CONTAINER_MANIFEST: map of object in Tar """ nb_blocks_to_serve = (range_[1] - range_[0] + 1) * BLOCKSIZE if name == CONTAINER_PROPERTIES: meta =, self.container) if not meta['properties']: self.logger.error("container properties are empty") struct = meta data = json.dumps(meta['properties'], sort_keys=True) elif name == CONTAINER_MANIFEST: struct = self.manifest data = json.dumps(self.manifest, sort_keys=True) size = len(data) mem = "" if size != entry['size']: self.logger.error("container properties has been updated") if range_[0] < entry['hdr_blocks']: tar = OioTarEntry(, self.acct, self.container, name, data=struct) for bl in xrange(entry['hdr_blocks']): if bl >= range_[0] and bl <= range_[1]: mem += tar.buf[bl * BLOCKSIZE:bl * BLOCKSIZE + BLOCKSIZE] range_ = (entry['hdr_blocks'], range_[1]) if range_[0] > range_[1]: return mem # for sanity, shift blocks range_ = (range_[0] - entry['hdr_blocks'], range_[1] - entry['hdr_blocks']) # compute needed padding data nb_blocks, remainder = divmod(entry['size'], BLOCKSIZE) start = range_[0] * BLOCKSIZE last = False if remainder > 0 and nb_blocks == range_[1]: last = True end = entry['size'] else: end = range_[1] * BLOCKSIZE + BLOCKSIZE mem += data[start:end] if last: mem += NUL * (BLOCKSIZE - remainder) # add padding if needed if len(mem) != nb_blocks_to_serve: mem += NUL * (nb_blocks_to_serve - len(mem)) if not mem: self.logger.error("no data extracted") if divmod(len(mem), BLOCKSIZE)[1]: self.logger.error("data written does not match blocksize") return mem
[docs] def read(self, size=-1): """ Stream TAR content each call will send object by object, or by chunk of `size` if object is too large """ # Is there API to stream data from OIO SDK (to avoid copy ?) data = "" size = divmod(size, 512)[0] if self.range_[0] > self.range_[1]: self.logger.debug("EOF reached") return data for val in self.oio_map[:]: if self.range_[0] > val['end_block']: self.oio_map.remove(val) continue if size > 0 and val['end_block'] - self.range_[0] > size: # TODO (mbonfils) add a unit test end_block = self.range_[0] + size else: end_block = min(self.range_[1], val['end_block']) assert self.range_[0] >= val['start_block'] assert self.range_[0] <= self.range_[1], \ "Got start %d / end %d" % (self.range_[0], self.range_[1]) _s = val['start_block'] # map ranges to object range range_ = (self.range_[0] - _s, end_block - _s) self.range_ = (end_block + 1, self.range_[1]) if 'name' not in val: data = NUL * (range_[1] - range_[0] + 1) * BLOCKSIZE elif val['name'] in (CONTAINER_PROPERTIES, CONTAINER_MANIFEST): data = self.create_tar_oio_properties(val, range_, val['name']) else: data = self.create_tar_oio_stream(val, range_) if end_block == val['end_block']: self.oio_map.remove(val) break return data
[docs] def close(self): if self.range_[0] <= self.range_[1]:"data not all consumed")
[docs]class ContainerRestore(object): MODE_FULL = 1 MODE_RANGE = 2 def __init__(self, redis, proxy, logger): self.cur_state = {'offset_block': 0, 'offset': 0} self._range = (0, 0) self.req = None self.req_size = -1 self.append = False self.mode = self.MODE_FULL # current file entry being processed self.inf = None self.state = {} self.redis = redis self.proxy = proxy self.logger = logger
[docs] def prepare(self, account, container): assert (self.req) if self.req.headers.get('range') is None: return rnge = ContainerBackup._extract_range(self.req, blocks=None) self._range = [rnge[2], rnge[3]] self.mode = self.MODE_RANGE data = self.redis.get("restore:%s:%s" % (account, container)) if self._range[0] == 0: if data: raise UnprocessableEntity( "A restoration has been already started") self.cur_state = { 'start': -1, 'end': -1, 'manifest': None, 'entry': None, # current entry in process # block offset when appending on existing object 'offset_block': 0, # block offset in data (w/o headers) when appending 'offset': 0} return if not data: raise UnprocessableEntity("First segment is not available") self.cur_state = json.loads(data, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict) if self._range[0] != self.cur_state['end']: raise UnprocessableEntity( "Segment was already written " "or an error has occured previously") for entry in self.cur_state['manifest']: if self._range[0] > entry['end_block']: continue if self._range[0] == entry['start_block']: self.append = False self.cur_state['offset_block'] = 0 self.cur_state['offset'] = 0 break if self._range[0] >= entry['start_block'] \ + entry['hdr_blocks']: self.append = True self.cur_state['entry'] = entry self.inf = TarInfo() = entry['name'] offset = (self._range[0] - entry['start_block'] - entry['hdr_blocks']) self.cur_state['offset'] = offset * BLOCKSIZE self.inf.size = entry['size'] - offset * BLOCKSIZE self.inf.size = min(self.inf.size, self.req_size) self.cur_state['offset_block'] = (self._range[0] - entry['start_block']) break raise UnprocessableEntity('Header is broken')
[docs] def read(self, size): while (len(self.state['buf']) < size and not chunk = - len(self.state['buf'])) self.state['consumed'] += len(chunk) self.state['buf'] += chunk data = self.state['buf'][:size] self.state['buf'] = self.state['buf'][size:] if len(data) != size: raise UnprocessableEntity("No enough data") return data
[docs] def extract_tar_entry(self): if self.append: return True buf = if buf == NUL * BLOCKSIZE: return False self.inf = TarInfo.frombuf(buf) if self.mode == self.MODE_RANGE: self.inf.size = min(self.req_size - self.state['consumed'], self.inf.size) if 'manifest' in self.cur_state and self.cur_state['manifest']: for entry in self.cur_state['manifest']: if entry['name'] == self.cur_state['entry'] = entry return True
[docs] def parse_xhd_type(self, hdrs): """ enrich hdrs with new headers """ buf = while buf: length = buf.split(' ', 1)[0] if length[0] == '\x00': break tmp = buf[len(length) + 1:int(length) - 1] key, value = tmp.split('=', 1) if key.startswith(SCHILY): key = key[len(SCHILY):] assert key not in hdrs, ( "%s already found in %s (object: %s)" % (key, hdrs, hdrs[key] = value buf = buf[int(length):]
def _restore_container_properties(self, hdrs, account, container): assert not hdrs, "invalid sequence in TAR" hdrs = json.loads(, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict) self.proxy.container_set_properties(account, container, hdrs) def _load_manifest(self, hdrs, account, container): assert not hdrs, "invalid sequence in TAR" manifest = json.loads(, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict) self.cur_state['manifest'] = manifest if self.mode == self.MODE_RANGE: self.cur_state['last_block'] = max( [x['end_block'] for x in manifest]) + 1 def _restore_object(self, hdrs, account, container): kwargs = {} if not self.append and hdrs and 'mime_type' in hdrs: kwargs['mime_type'] = hdrs['mime_type'] del hdrs['mime_type'] data = LimitedStream(, self.inf.size, entry=self.cur_state.get('entry'), offset=self.cur_state.get('offset')) try: _, size, _ = self.proxy.object_create( account, container,, append=self.append, file_or_path=data, **kwargs) except Exception: # No data is written if an error occurs during object_create. # We just have to update our state_machine offset regarding # the current object. if self.cur_state.get('manifest') is None: raise entry = None for entry in self.cur_state['manifest']: if entry['name'] == break else: # it should not happen raise BadRequest("Invalid internal state") # Since an error has occured, we have to reset the # current offset to the start of the current chunk # and remove the stored checksum if set. if data.invalid_checksum: self.logger.error("Invalid checksum detected for %s", raise BadRequest("Checksum error for %s" % self.cur_state['end'] = (entry['start_block'] + self.cur_state['offset_block']) self.redis.set("restore:%s:%s" % (account, container), json.dumps(self.cur_state, sort_keys=True), ex=ContainerBackup.REDIS_TIMEOUT) raise # save properties before checking size, otherwise they'll be lost if hdrs: self.proxy.object_set_properties(account, container,, properties=hdrs) if size != self.inf.size: raise UnprocessableEntity( "Object created is smaller than expected") self.state['consumed'] += size if self.mode == self.MODE_RANGE: self.cur_state['offset_block'] = 0 self.cur_state['offset'] = 0 self.append = False
[docs] def parse_reg_type(self, hdrs, account, container): if == CONTAINER_PROPERTIES: return self._restore_container_properties(hdrs, account, container) elif == CONTAINER_MANIFEST: return self._load_manifest(hdrs, account, container) else: return self._restore_object(hdrs, account, container)
[docs] def restore(self, request, account, container): """Manage PUT method for restoring a container""" self.req = request self.req_size = int(self.req.headers['content-length']) self.prepare(account, container) self.proxy.container_create(account, container) self.state = {'consumed': 0, 'buf': ''} hdrs = {} while self.state['consumed'] < self.req_size: try: if not self.extract_tar_entry(): # skip NULL blocks continue except InvalidHeaderError as ex: self.logger.error("Tar entry have invalid checksum") raise BadRequest(str(ex)) if self.inf.type not in (XHDTYPE, REGTYPE, AREGTYPE, DIRTYPE): raise BadRequest('unsupported TAR attribute %s' % self.inf.type) if self.inf.type == XHDTYPE: self.parse_xhd_type(hdrs) elif self.inf.type in (REGTYPE, AREGTYPE): self.parse_reg_type(hdrs, account, container) hdrs = {} if self.inf.size % BLOCKSIZE: - self.inf.size % BLOCKSIZE) if self.req_size != self.state['consumed']: raise UnprocessableEntity( "Invalid length of data consumed by restoration") if (self.mode == self.MODE_FULL or self._range[1] == self.cur_state['last_block']): code = 201 manifest = self.cur_state.get('manifest') if manifest: for entry in self.cur_state.get('manifest'): verified = 0 nb = 0 # check that each chunk of each object has been checked for idx in entry.get('checksums', []): if (entry['checksums'][idx].get('verified') or entry['checksums'][idx].get('size') == 0): verified += 1 nb += 1 if verified != nb: self.logger.warn("%s not verified !", entry.get('name')) else:"no manifest, checksums not available") self.redis.delete("restore:%s:%s" % (account, container)) else: code = 206 self.cur_state['start'] = self._range[0] self.cur_state['end'] = self._range[1] self.redis.set("restore:%s:%s" % (account, container), json.dumps(self.cur_state, sort_keys=True), ex=ContainerBackup.REDIS_TIMEOUT) return Response(status=code)
[docs]def redis_cnx(fct): def wrapper(*args): try: return fct(*args) except ConnectionError: args[0].logger.error("Redis is not available") raise ServiceUnavailable() return wrapper
[docs]class ContainerBackup(RedisConn, WerkzeugApp): """WSGI Application to dump or restore a container.""" REDIS_TIMEOUT = 3600 * 24 # Redis keys will expire after one day STREAMING = 52428800 # 50 MB # Number of blocks to serve to avoid splitting headers (1MiB) BLOCK_ALIGNMENT = 2048 def __init__(self, conf): if conf: self.conf = read_conf(conf['key_file'], section_name="admin-server") else: self.conf = {} self.logger = get_logger(self.conf, name="ContainerBackup") self.proxy = ObjectStorageApi(self.conf.get("namespace", NS), logger=self.logger) self.url_map = Map([ Rule('/v1.0/container/dump', endpoint='dump'), Rule('/v1.0/container/restore', endpoint='restore'), ]) self.REDIS_TIMEOUT = self.conf.get("redis_cache_timeout", self.REDIS_TIMEOUT) super(ContainerBackup, self).__init__(self.conf) WerkzeugApp.__init__(self, self.url_map, self.logger) @property def redis(self): """Redis connection object""" return self.conn
[docs] @redis_cnx def generate_manifest(self, account, container): """ Generate a static manifest of a container. It will help to find quickly which part of object app have to serve Manifest is cached into Redis with REDIS_TIMEOUT delay """ if not container: raise exc.NoSuchContainer() # TODO hash_map should contains if deleted or version flags are set hash_map = "container_streaming:{0}/{1}".format(account, container) cache = self.redis.get(hash_map) if cache: self.logger.debug("using cache") return json.loads(cache, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict) map_objs = [] start_block = 0 meta = self.proxy.container_get_properties(account, container) if meta['properties']: # create special file to save properties of container tar = OioTarEntry(self.proxy, account, container, CONTAINER_PROPERTIES, data=meta) entry = { 'name': CONTAINER_PROPERTIES, 'size': tar.filesize, 'hdr_blocks': tar.header_blocks, 'blocks': tar.header_blocks + tar.data_blocks, 'start_block': start_block, } start_block += entry['blocks'] entry['end_block'] = start_block - 1 map_objs.append(entry) objs = self.proxy.object_list(account, container) for obj in sorted(objs['objects'], key=lambda x: x['name']): # FIXME: should we backup deleted objects? if obj['deleted']: continue tar = OioTarEntry(self.proxy, account, container, obj['name']) if (start_block / self.BLOCK_ALIGNMENT) != \ ((start_block + tar.header_blocks) / self.BLOCK_ALIGNMENT): # header is over boundary, we have to add padding blocks padding = (self.BLOCK_ALIGNMENT - divmod(start_block, self.BLOCK_ALIGNMENT)[1]) map_objs.append({ 'blocks': padding, 'size': padding * BLOCKSIZE, 'start_block': start_block, 'slo': None, 'hdr_blocks': padding, 'end_block': start_block + padding - 1 }) start_block += padding entry = { 'name': obj['name'], 'size': tar.filesize, 'hdr_blocks': tar.header_blocks, 'blocks': tar.header_blocks + tar.data_blocks, 'start_block': start_block, 'slo': tar.slo, 'checksums': tar.checksums, } start_block += entry['blocks'] entry['end_block'] = start_block - 1 map_objs.append(entry) if not map_objs: return map_objs entry = { 'name': CONTAINER_MANIFEST, 'size': 0, 'hdr_blocks': 1, # a simple PAX header consume only 1 block 'blocks': 0, 'start_block': 0, 'slo': None, } map_objs.insert(0, entry) entry['size'] = len(json.dumps(map_objs, sort_keys=True)) # ensure that we reserved enough blocks after recomputing offset entry['blocks'] = \ 1 + int(math.ceil(entry['size'] / float(BLOCKSIZE))) * 2 tar = OioTarEntry(self.proxy, account, container, CONTAINER_MANIFEST, data=map_objs) assert tar.header_blocks == 1, "Incorrect size for hdr_blocks" assert tar.data_blocks <= entry['blocks'] # fix start_block and end_block start = 0 for _entry in map_objs: _entry['start_block'] = start start += _entry['blocks'] _entry['end_block'] = start - 1 tar2 = OioTarEntry(self.proxy, account, container, CONTAINER_MANIFEST, data=map_objs) entry['size'] = tar2.filesize assert tar2.header_blocks == tar.header_blocks assert tar2.data_blocks <= entry['blocks'], \ "got %d instead of %d" % (tar2.data_blocks, tar.data_blocks) self.logger.debug("add entry to cache") self.redis.set(hash_map, json.dumps(map_objs, sort_keys=True), ex=self.REDIS_TIMEOUT) return map_objs
def _do_head(self, _, account, container): """ Manage HEAD method and response number of block Note: Range header is unmanaged """ try: results = self.generate_manifest(account, container) except exc.NoSuchContainer:"%s %s not found", account, container) return Response(status=404) if not results:"no data for %s %s", account, container) return Response(status=204) hdrs = { 'X-Blocks': sum([i['blocks'] for i in results]), 'Content-Length': sum([i['blocks'] for i in results]) * BLOCKSIZE, 'Accept-Ranges': 'bytes', 'Content-Type': 'application/tar', } return Response(headers=hdrs, status=200) @classmethod def _extract_range(cls, req, blocks): """Convert byte range into block an performs validity check""" # accept only single part range val = req.headers['Range'] match = RANGE_RE.match(val) if match is None: raise RequestedRangeNotSatisfiable() start = int( end = int( if start >= end: raise RequestedRangeNotSatisfiable() def check_range(value): block, remainder = divmod(value, BLOCKSIZE) if remainder or block < 0 or (blocks and block > blocks): raise RequestedRangeNotSatisfiable() return block block_start = check_range(start) block_end = check_range(end + 1) # Check Range RFC return start, end, block_start, block_end def _do_get(self, req, account, container): """Manage GET method to dump a container""" try: results = self.generate_manifest(account, container) except exc.NoSuchContainer:"%s %s not found", account, container) return Response(status=404) if not results:"no data for %s %s", account, container) return Response(status=204) blocks = sum([i['blocks'] for i in results]) length = blocks * BLOCKSIZE if 'Range' not in req.headers: tar = ContainerTarFile(self.proxy, account, container, (0, blocks-1), results, self.logger) return Response(wrap_file(req.environ, tar, buffer_size=self.STREAMING), headers={ 'Accept-Ranges': 'bytes', 'Content-Type': 'application/tar', 'Content-Length': length, }, status=200) start, end, block_start, block_end = self._extract_range(req, blocks) tar = ContainerTarFile(self.proxy, account, container, (block_start, block_end - 1), results, self.logger) return Response(wrap_file(req.environ, tar, buffer_size=self.STREAMING), headers={ 'Accept-Ranges': 'bytes', 'Content-Type': 'application/tar', 'Content-Range': 'bytes %d-%d/%d' % (start, end, length), 'Content-Length': end - start + 1, }, status=206)
[docs] def on_dump(self, req): """Entry point for dump rule""" # extract account and container account = req.args.get('acct') container = req.args.get('ref') if not account: raise BadRequest('Missing Account name') if not container: raise BadRequest('Missing Container name') if req.method == 'HEAD': return self._do_head(req, account, container) if req.method == 'GET': return self._do_get(req, account, container) return Response("Not supported", 405)
@redis_cnx def _do_put_head(self, req, account, container): results = self.redis.get("restore:%s:%s" % (account, container)) if not results: return UnprocessableEntity("No restoration in progress") in_progress = self.redis.get('restore:%s:%s:lock' % (account, container)) or '0' results = json.loads(results) blocks = sum(i['blocks'] for i in results['manifest']) return Response(headers={ 'X-Tar-Size': blocks * BLOCKSIZE, 'X-Consumed-Size': results['end'] * BLOCKSIZE, 'X-Upload-In-Progress': in_progress }, status=200) @redis_cnx def _do_put(self, req, account, container): """Manage PUT method for restoring a container""" obj = ContainerRestore(self.redis, self.proxy, self.logger) key = "restore:%s:%s:lock" % (account, container) if not self.redis.set(key, 1, nx=True): raise UnprocessableEntity("A restore is already in progress") try: return obj.restore(req, account, container) finally: self.redis.delete(key)
[docs] def on_restore(self, req): """Entry point for restore rule""" account = req.args.get('acct') container = req.args.get('ref') if not account: raise BadRequest('Missing Account name') if not container: raise BadRequest('Missing Container name') if req.method not in ('PUT', 'HEAD'): return Response("Not supported", 405) try: self.proxy.container_get_properties(account, container) if not req.headers.get('range') and req.method == 'PUT': raise Conflict('Container already exists') except exc.NoSuchContainer: pass except Conflict: raise except Exception: raise BadRequest('Fail to verify container') if req.method == 'HEAD': return self._do_put_head(req, account, container) return self._do_put(req, account, container)