Source code for oio.common.storage_functions

# Copyright (C) 2017 OpenIO SAS, as part of OpenIO SDS
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 3.0 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library.

import random

from import ChunkReader, READ_CHUNK_SIZE
from import ECChunkDownloadHandler
from oio.common import exceptions as exc
from oio.common.constants import OBJECT_METADATA_PREFIX
from oio.common.http import http_header_from_ranges
from oio.common.decorators import ensure_headers

[docs]def obj_range_to_meta_chunk_range(obj_start, obj_end, meta_sizes): """ Convert a requested object range into a list of meta_chunk ranges. :param meta_sizes: size of all object metachunks. Must be sorted! :type meta_sizes: iterable, sorted in ascendant metachunk order. :returns: a `dict` of tuples (meta_chunk_start, meta_chunk_end) with metachunk positions as keys. * meta_chunk_start is the first byte of the meta chunk, or None if this is a suffix byte range * meta_chunk_end is the last byte of the meta_chunk, or None if this is a prefix byte range """ offset = 0 found_start = False found_end = False total_size = 0 for meta_size in meta_sizes: total_size += meta_size # suffix byte range handling if obj_start is None and obj_end is not None: obj_start = total_size - min(total_size, obj_end) obj_end = total_size - 1 meta_chunk_ranges = dict() for pos, meta_size in enumerate(meta_sizes): if meta_size <= 0: continue if found_start: meta_chunk_start = 0 elif obj_start is not None and obj_start >= offset + meta_size: offset += meta_size continue elif obj_start is not None and obj_start < offset + meta_size: meta_chunk_start = obj_start - offset found_start = True else: meta_chunk_start = 0 if obj_end is not None and offset + meta_size > obj_end: meta_chunk_end = obj_end - offset # found end found_end = True elif meta_size > 0: meta_chunk_end = meta_size - 1 meta_chunk_ranges[pos] = (meta_chunk_start, meta_chunk_end) if found_end: break offset += meta_size return meta_chunk_ranges
[docs]def get_meta_ranges(ranges, chunks): """ Convert object ranges to metachunks ranges. :returns: a list of dictionaries indexed by metachunk positions """ range_infos = [] meta_sizes = [chunks[pos][0]['size'] for pos in sorted(chunks.keys())] for obj_start, obj_end in ranges: meta_ranges = obj_range_to_meta_chunk_range(obj_start, obj_end, meta_sizes) range_infos.append(meta_ranges) return range_infos
[docs]def wrand_choice_index(scores): """Choose an element from the `scores` sequence and return its index""" scores = list(scores) total = sum(scores) target = random.uniform(0, total) upto = 0 index = 0 for score in scores: if upto + score >= target: return index upto += score index += 1 assert False, "Shouldn't get here"
def _sort_chunks(raw_chunks, ec_security): """ Sort a list a chunk objects. In addition to the sort, this function adds an "offset" field to each chunk object. :type raw_chunks: iterable of `dict` :param ec_security: tells the sort algorithm that chunk positions are composed (e.g. "0.4"). :type ec_security: `bool` :returns: a `dict` with metachunk positions as keys, and `list` of chunk objects as values. """ chunks = dict() for chunk in raw_chunks: raw_position = chunk["pos"].split(".") position = int(raw_position[0]) if ec_security: chunk['num'] = int(raw_position[1]) if position in chunks: chunks[position].append(chunk) else: chunks[position] = [] chunks[position].append(chunk) # for each position, remove incoherent chunks for pos, local_chunks in chunks.iteritems(): if len(local_chunks) < 2: continue byhash = dict() for chunk in local_chunks: h = chunk.get('hash') if h not in byhash: byhash[h] = list() byhash[h].append(chunk) if len(byhash) < 2: continue # sort by length bylength = byhash.values() bylength.sort(key=len, reverse=True) chunks[pos] = bylength[0] # Append the 'offset' attribute offset = 0 for pos in sorted(chunks.keys()): clist = chunks[pos] clist.sort(key=lambda x: x.get("score", 0), reverse=True) for element in clist: element['offset'] = offset if not ec_security and len(clist) > 1: # When scores are close together (e.g. [95, 94, 94, 93, 50]), # don't always start with the highest element. first = wrand_choice_index(x.get("score", 0) for x in clist) clist[0], clist[first] = clist[first], clist[0] offset += clist[0]['size'] return chunks def _make_object_metadata(headers): meta = {} props = {} prefix = OBJECT_METADATA_PREFIX for k, v in headers.iteritems(): k = k.lower() if k.startswith(prefix): key = k.replace(prefix, "") # TODO temporary workaround # This is used by properties set through swift if key.startswith('x-'): props[key[2:]] = v else: meta[key.replace('-', '_')] = v meta['properties'] = props return meta
[docs]@ensure_headers def fetch_stream(chunks, ranges, storage_method, headers=None, **kwargs): ranges = ranges or [(None, None)] meta_range_list = get_meta_ranges(ranges, chunks) for meta_range_dict in meta_range_list: for pos in sorted(meta_range_dict.keys()): meta_start, meta_end = meta_range_dict[pos] if meta_start is not None and meta_end is not None: headers['Range'] = http_header_from_ranges( (meta_range_dict[pos], )) reader = ChunkReader( iter(chunks[pos]), READ_CHUNK_SIZE, headers=headers, **kwargs) try: it = reader.get_iter() except exc.NotFound as err: raise exc.UnrecoverableContent( "Cannot download position %d: %s" % (pos, err)) except Exception as err: raise exc.OioException( "Error while downloading position %d: %s" % (pos, err)) for part in it: for dat in part['iter']: yield dat
[docs]@ensure_headers def fetch_stream_ec(chunks, ranges, storage_method, **kwargs): ranges = ranges or [(None, None)] meta_range_list = get_meta_ranges(ranges, chunks) for meta_range_dict in meta_range_list: for pos in sorted(meta_range_dict.keys()): meta_start, meta_end = meta_range_dict[pos] handler = ECChunkDownloadHandler( storage_method, chunks[pos], meta_start, meta_end, **kwargs) stream = handler.get_stream() try: for part_info in stream: for dat in part_info['iter']: yield dat finally: # This must be done in a finally block to handle the case # when the reader does not read until the end of the stream. stream.close()